
Was the Queen jealous of Diana?

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You know, like jealous of her looks, beauty, elegance, fashion sense, humanitarian work.etc?? From what i know the queen didn't like diana and it seems that at the time, the queen couldn't stand the thought of diana having so much public and media attention and being in the public eye whiles she, the QUEEN, was only noticed from a distance. Much like Charles.




  1. She probably thought that she was moving in on her territory! LOLOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............Just kidding.

  2. Yes she could not be controlled and she was a tough cookie Diana... we love you Diana.... Miss you so much.

  3. I think it's possibe and yes Camilla was definitely jealous and so was Charles.

  4. You are so right

  5. Well I'll be jealous of Diana, she had everything,   ????

    I think Elizabeth II is human too

  6. I don't think Queen Elizabeth was jealous at all of Diana. I think she just didn't like it that Diana wasn't like her. Queen Elizabeth seems to behave as though she is the ultimate trend and etiquette setter.  Diana set her own trends and introduced a heart to the royal family, something they didn't know what to do with! They're a very cold, emotionless people, and Diana was too warm and friendly and of course the entire world responded. It wasn't jealousy really, just extreme disapproval.  Poor Queen Elizabeth. She misses out on so much by being so proper. At least her corgis bring her joy.

  7. I don't think we will ever know, but you must remember when the queen was younger she had looks, beauty, elegance, fashion senes (which she still does, and if you look at pictures of Diana, she aint that well dressed), plus the queen was a mechanic.

  8. No I don't think she ever was don't forget her sister was a beautiful person who always took the lime light.

    Prince Charles definitely was and think that drove a wedge between the Queen and Diana.

  9. whole world was jealous of her,she was the queen by heart and deeds

  10. I really don't think that the Queen was jealous for herself, so much.  I think it was more a mother in law - daughter in law problem.

    You know, the "she's not good enough for my son" opinion.  Probably made worse that Diana got more and better press reports than Charles did.

    Something like the same problems  I had with my MIL, but on a whole world grander scale.  (Poor Diana.  How do you fight that?)

  11. It is very difficult to know the truth about any of the characters in that particular play, because all we have to go on is media reports. And media, as we all know, can be very biased - in both directions.

    The Queen never comments on statements made about her, about her family, or about her personal life. That has been bred into her from the time she could talk. So no one really knows what she thinks about that, or any other, situation.

    And no one likely WILL ever know, as it is hardly probable that she will rise up on one elbow and use her dying breath to say, "This is how I really felt about Diana......"

  12. It was more than jealousy.  She had a mind of her own and spoke the truth.....didn't bow down to the Queen.  She could not be "controlled" and the Royal family did not like that.

  13. i don't think she was jealous.  She has her own elegance and dignity and she has been Queen almost all her life.

    I think she disapproved of Diana.  thought she made the Royal family look bad with some of her indiscretions

  14. Do you understand anything about royalty? Or history?

    The Queen was not jealous Diana. She was confounded by her. How differently Diana acted. But then how princes and princess act matters less than how a monarch acts. The Queen, like any monarch, is concerned about the succession and that her heirs act responsibly towards their people. It takes experience to be a monarch because you are monarch to all the people - even republicans.

    As for looks, go back into history. In their youth Princess Elizabeth and Margaret were wildly beautiful young woman. They were photographed and studied and featured in newspapers and magazines around the world, in newsreels and television programs. Diana was not unique in her coverage.

    Beauty and fashion sense are shallow ways to judge someone. You have to remember The Queen has been Queen for over 50 years. She is a woman in her 80s. How do you think she should dress? When she was young she wore dark colours, then realized people lining up to see her couldn't see her, so she began dressing in bright colours. It helps people pick her out. That's a fashion sense that speaks to serving the people.

    As for humanitarian work, well, the Queen is patron of many charities. She appears at many things which bring the media and raise that issue, illness or need to public attention.

  15. Maybe she felt intimidated by Diana... scared she would one day be Queen and take her place..  And if Diana was to become Queen, it may have been alot of things changed.. But that would of been nice to see her as a Queen.. but that's just my opinion..

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