
Was the Swedish wrestler a sore loser?

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He didn't like the judges' decision. And throw the bronze medal to the floor. He wanted the gold medal. Something tells me he will never participate in the Olympic games again. Feedback, please.




  1. The big deal was that they lodged an official protest to FILA that was more or less ignored.

    It was about that time that they realized that apparently it’s not enough to be the best wrestler.

    Everyone that saw the match know that the judge did something that was totally wrong.

    The wrestler didn’t even want to participate in the bronze match, but the people around him made him change his mind.

    This isn’t about being a sore loser it’s about making the world take a good look at what really happened. And you got to say that he got our attention.

    And he didn’t throw medal he dropped the medal in the middle, symbolic.

    Oh and something funny, it’s told that apparently the judge and the FILA president are cousins. Corruption isn’t always about money.    

    The last source link is to a video that show the match.

  2. Ara Abrahamian is an embarrassment to wrestling, to his country and to mankind in general. Hopefully the IOC will decide to ban his sorry behind.

  3. After he has had time to reflect, he may participate in the 2012 Olympics in London, England.

  4. hes disgracing hte olympics, human kind, and sweden, and if it iz true that sweden threw a fit with him, sweden has just disgraced themselves

  5. YEA. he has to be the biggest sore loser for him to go and disgrace himself by throwing a fit in front of the whole world I think it just makes him look bad, and makes others who got Bronze look bad. and yea he's not going back to participate in the olympics.....he said "This is my last match because this olympics is a failure." (something very close to that). it's crazy. i think its a honor to win bronze at the olympics even if he was looking for Gold. On top of that, he disgraced his own country. even they booed him.  

  6. Yes. He should be proud of himself. Everyone in the Olympics should be proud of themselves.  

  7. yea, i think that was poor sportsmanship.

  8. Yes! What a poor sport. How can you throw a tantrum at the Olympics? WTF?!

  9. He's like the Nick Hogan of amateur wrestling. A ******* attention w***e. Plus, hes Swedish, which probably means he's g*y, so who cares?

    Olympic wrestling isn't fake, dumbass

  10. He didn't know wrestling was fake.

  11. yes he was a whiner thats what im trying to say

  12. Ya think?!?!?

  13. yeah that was poor sportsman ship on his behalf

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