
Was the Titanic unsinkable?

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If something is huge, can it fail?




  1. uhh no apparently it wasn't since you know the thing sank......duh

  2. The builders though it was but alas the best laid plans of mice and men.

  3. Yes it was unsinkable.

    That little incident with the iceberg was a fluke that statistically will never happen again.

  4. the titanic had compartments in the bottom of the ship ment to fill up with water and still not sink the ship. But the ice berg riped a large enough hole that it want through too many and they filled with water then sank.  just becuase something is huge does not mean it wont fail look at the   titanic and the twin towers. size does not matter anything can fail under the right circumstances

  5. Yes it was.  The only problem is... it sank.

  6. Obviously it was sinkable and obviously it did fail.

  7. It means that since Bloomberg and his influential friends

    stand to lose a lot of money, they're going to lose

    ours instead.

  8. obviously it was sinkable. hence it sank.

  9. Of course it can, but it sounds like our government is going to pacth the holes left by the iceberg, and hope it makes it through the North Atlantic, without going completely under. Since our government santioned this Titanic's building, I guess it's the least it could do considering the number of passengers that are aboard this time. Not exactly fair free market practices, but the consequences of it sinking outweigh the practical fairness of allowing the thing to sink. we wouldn't be talking about an economic Recession anymore if it did, but something that rhymes with it that starts with a D.

  10. If it was unsinkable, then it wouldnt have sank lol so i guess there was a flaw somewhere

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