
Was the USA afraid of getting a stomping if the USA sent help to Georgia?

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Was the USA afraid of getting a stomping if the USA sent help to Georgia?




  1. Take a look at a map.  How would US forces get to Georgia in the first place?  How would they be supplied?  Logistics is the key to warfare, and logistics for US forces in Georgia would be a nightmare.  Sure, the US could airlift paratroopers and Rangers and Spec-ops folks, but supply them would require a constant airlift (and our capabilities in that department are already stretched thin with Iraq and Afghanistan), through hostile airspace.  Finally, I don't think that Georgia is clearly innocent in this conflict.  They truth is that both Russia and Georgia have behaved badly, and the US would be foolish to involve itself on the side of a tyrant to fight another tyrant (not that we haven't made that mistake many times before).

  2. No, it's not their fight, but they're flying Georgian troops back.

  3. No the US would be doing all the stomping if we went there.  The US isnt involved because it could spark a world war and possibly a nuclear war. Russia's got a lot of nukes too ya know ; ).

  4. No, if we would have helped Georgia fight Russia, that would probably lead to a World War, which could lead to a Nuclear War.

  5. we probably dont want to start another world war.because then some of our allies would join in if we need help, thus creating another world basically, usa is doing the right choice, from preventing another big war

  6. Anyone who would even consider putting our chess pieces on that particular board is seriously insane. Last time I checked, Russia has thousands of nukes and so do we, and for us to go head to head with them opens up a 55 gallon can of worms, with potentially world ending consequences.

    That this is not painfully obvious to someone shows exactly how dumbed down Americans have become.

  7. Yes, that's it, im glad you figured it out all by yourself. (note the sarcasm, as i did lay it on a bit thick)

  8. yes yes we are

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