
Was the Watergate Scandal really that big of a deal?

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why do/don't you think so??




  1. Yes indeed it was.  The President of the United States and his advisors spied on the offices of the Democratic party using electronic bugs.  This is absolutely unethical.

  2. Yes! It was horrible:( Unfair and wrong! Nixon was set up by the labor unions! Why wasn't that little nark from the feds done away with, he was scum bag!

  3. The true shame about the Watergate scandel was that the Republicans found out the Democrats were spying on them in very illegal ways. Ironically it was the Republicans who got caught and it wasnt until the late 80's / early 90's that the true history of that time started to come out.

  4. yes it was but as you may know when Nixon died Bill Clinton

    was in office and he said that no matter what the subject of

    Watergate WILL NOT BE MENTIONED AT ALL and it wasn't

    it was out of respect for Nixon yes he  messed up big time but don't we all? and we don't like to be remind of it and we don't want  any one talking about it after we are gone

  5. Of course it was a big deal.  All politicians are crooked and Nixon got caught.  End of story.

  6. As the cliche went, it wasn't the crime itself, it was the cover-up. There was no actual evidnce that Nixon had known of the break-in itself, but there was solid evidence that he had ordered hush-money paid to the people involved and almost irrefutable evidence that he had covered up the fact he had ordered a cover-up.The actual charge was obstruction of justice for destroying evidence in a court case.

    If it doesn't seem like a big deal now, it's only because Reagan and Bush have gotten away with so much worse.

  7. I was about 10 or so when Watergate erupted. I remember the investigation taking place on the television every day. It really shook up people's faith in the government of the US.

  8. YEAH!

    It was a huge deal. People nowadays even mention it and relate bad people to Nixon. All of the court cases were televised, and people would set out time to watch them, making it a family affair at night.

    Nixon just really exposed how bad presidents could be, and it just opened the eyes of the nation.

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