
Was the anthrax suspect given a settlement from our government?

by Guest59234  |  earlier

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and why did bush administration want to blame the middle east?




  1. The first suspect was provided a settlement; the second suspect is dead from suicide.

  2. Didn't the initial suspect get 5+ million ? But why didn't they look at the "sociopath" first ?

  3. They said from day one of the investigation that the material was from a domestic source. So the administration never said it came from the middle east! Some of the news media speculated on that the first week until the FBI said it was not.

  4. If you count being dead as a "settlement."

    That "suicide" has murder written all over it.

    And Bush was trying desperately to find any justification whatsoever for staying in Iraq so that he wouldn't look like the President who lost a war; especially one as easy as Iraq should have been (they still use camels for Pete's sake).

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