
Was the busdriver possibly a hero in the greyhound bus murder Manitoba?

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I was thinking about what happened because it's unbelievably brutal.

But I think the attacker's escape plan may have been to scare everybody else off the bus, then drive the bus to downtown Portage La Praire, then abandon the bus and run for shelter.

So police would find the victims and the abandoned bus a few kilometers away, and the attacker would be in hiding.

I think this busdriver in disabling the bus from moving, may have been the hero in getting this guy captured, am I right?




  1. Yeah I definitely agree that he's a hero, especially since he disabled the bus from outside.

    If he hadn't have done that, who knows what might've happened.

  2. Interesting scenario but speculation. If he is mentally deranged, there may not have been any plan but that is just more guesswork too.

    I think I'll wait until the investigation is over.

    There is no doubt about it. The bus driver did all the right things in the midst of fear, chaos and what must have been extreme stress. His fast and straight thinking under those conditions is to be commended.

  3. He did what he could to keep the guy from going anywhere, and some of the pasengers held the doors closed so he could not get out. Once the killer finally smashed a window to run police were already there to arrest him. I hope that psycho rots in his jail cell.. can't believe this happened so close to my home.. what is this world coming to? Every story on the news is about killings and bombings and people dieing and brutal attacks.. its disgusting. May Tim McLean rest in peace!!

  4. Shutting off the engine and then locking the door,  after the passengers got off the bus ,  helped to contain the killer, until Police arrived.

    He did the right thing.

    Jim B. Toronto.

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