
Was the cainites a race of apes?

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Was the cainites a race of apes?




  1. no

  2. was the 2007tys a time of bad grammur?

    Yes, yes it was.

  3. The Jewish calendar began in appx. 3750 BCE, so during that time in the mideast, any race of Hominids that could mutually communicate with any other Bibical characters referred to in the Bible, or elsewhere, likely were Homo sapiens...

  4. if so, then you are decended forom a soda cracker

  5. No they were not.

  6. Cainites were almost certainly a non-extant made-up bunch of bad guys for use by religious potentates.

    It probably was not the first time missive writers made up bogus bad guys over which to claim fake triumph.

    Certainly, the Middle Age Catholics used the same ploy when they created the so called "Devil Worshipers" with which to keep wandering believers in line.

    All bogus religious poppycock!

  7. I guess you are refering to the Canaanites who were a people that populated the land of Israel before the land was given to the Children of Israel by God.  The Canaanites were made up of I believe 7 different nations.  They created an early alphabet which is believed to be the alphabet used by the early Hebrews.  There are those who say that this alphabet was created by the Hebrews and adopted by the Canaanites but most scholars go along with the first mentioned hypothesis.  The Greeks adopted this alphabet and in time the Greek alphabet changed or evloved.  Anyway, the Canaanites certainly were not a race of apes.

  8. Only as much as we are.

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