
Was the city of New Orleans ever worth all the bother?

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Was the city of New Orleans ever worth all the bother?




  1. It is not the gov'ts responsibility to move everyone around when a storm comes.  People need to take responsibility for their own lives.  If this storm had blown the city away then they should put up a memorial and not waste anymore tax payer dollars on it.

  2. Having lived there 3 years I can tell you not really. A city near the coast that on average is 8 and a half feet below sea level gets what it deserves when a hurricane rolls in. When I was there a thunderstorm flooded the city by raining 18 inches in an hour and a half, it took 2 days to pump all the water out.

  3. Only to a liberal

    One more thing to whine about

    Otherwise this disfunctional city should have been closed down permanently

  4. Yes, unless you do not care about your fellow Americans that are "Living In The USA".

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