
Was the confidence motion in the lok sabha was presented to divert peoples mind from rising prices?

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the government was willing to divert peoples mind from rising prices and inflation. so the asked there partners communists to withdraw support and cause a chaos. they all are one and same from the core of their heart.

new supporting person amar singh is a known corrupt person. he can not support the govt without any consideration.




  1. i really appreciate your imagination. left did not withdraw because congress party asked them to. they withdrew on their own and have committed a blunder and have put their political survival in doldrum. the left had been stopping the ruling party from doing all kinds of business, said no to every thing the congress proposed to do. in short left was supporting the government on paper only where as they were actually the worst enemy of congress. re amar singh, let me tell u one thning, no one in this word does anything for anyone else without thinking of a return favour in consideration. so why blame amar singh alone.

    if u think amar singh is to be blamed then why not sonia gandhi. a few month back she was not even willing to see mr amar singh and now, when she required his help for survival, she welcomehim and called him to 10 janpath. Is she also not an oppurtunist.

    young man , think deeply before  u put allegation on one person and absolve the others.

  2. SURE?

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