
Was the earthquake caused by Global Warming?

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There was an earthquake in the Midwest today, and I felt it in Indianapolis. Was this earthquake a direct, or indirect result of Global Warming?




  1. NO------ (unbelievable how folks attribute EVERTHING to GW!)

  2. Of course it was, and it's all Bush's fault.

  3. Not a chance.  You need to do some research on your own and stop taking what the mainstream media say as gospel.

  4. No, that area has a history of earthquakes that dates back long before global warming existed.

  5. There is a theory that the mass removals of oils from various places on Earth have taken away a vital buffer between the tectonic plates that make earthquakes more prevalent.

    So who knows maybe. More study would have to been done to see is there is indeed a correlation.

  6. No. That's a different 'bowl' of judgment. Revelation mentions both earthquakes AND the sun scorching the earth.

  7. if im not mistaken earthquakes are a result of the techtonik plates not of global warming, global warming is more responsible for droughts, floods and tornado/cyclones

  8. Not likely.

    Global warming is suspected of causing earthquakes in some places like Greenland.  As the ice there melts, the earth "rebounds" as weight is taken off of it.

    But it's very unlikely this is related to that.

  9. Absolutely NOT!

    I think you realize this however.

    I have to give you a star for showing that some people are still proud to display their ignorance and stupidity!

  10. earthquakes has nothing to do with global warming...

  11. You're a Fu-king r****d.

  12. it is not caused by global warming it is caused by two plates (plates are things under the earth) to slide against each other

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