
Was the first man on moon fake or real.. 10 pts

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well i know wt u r goin to say tht im brain washed or what nt....

nd i know if i giv sum source... ull say its cr*p... n tru sum of the sites are cr*p.... but heres the thing... they say neil armstrongs the first man on moon...n the other guy 2nd... if then who took the video??? it ws not computerised




  1. The camera was attached to the leg of the LEM.  Yes the moon landings were real.  

    BTW they did have computers.

  2. There was a video camera on the side of the lander.  Do you seriously think they'd go all the way there and have no way to record that moment?

  3. Of course its REAL.. Its true that Neil Armstrong step on the moon. But youre saying as to who took the video , right??? Well , before we do have technology already yet it's not  very advance compared today. Don't you know that we alreaDY have artificial satellites before? And these satellites were responsible for capturing the video as Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. And, for your information it's not SOMEBODY who took the video but the satellite itself.( though it's black and white before)

  4. Okay, let's do it this way today.

    There are two sequences of rover video which are continuous and uncut for 20 to 35 seconds, showing the lunar surface passing by at a speed of at least 10 miles an hour. The longer of these would indicate an excursion of about 400 feet. Big studio.

    But wait! If you carefully measure the features on the horizon and compare them from the beginning of the clip to the end, there is no noticeable difference in size. This would mean that the "backdrop" would have had to be at least a mile away. And no, there is no way to fake this. Yeah, BIG studio!

    But wait! The shadows on the rover parts and the rocks don't change at all during the trip and the light intensity doesn't change, either. This would mean that the light source would have to be at least a mile away too, to the LEFT. Yeah boy -- BIG studio! BRIGHT light! (Brighter than anything humans have ever invented.)

    But wait! Countless other videos show the dust and the flags behaving EXACTLY as they should in an airless environment with 1/6 the earth's gravity. (No the flags do NOT wave.)

    I could go on, but I should let others play, too.

  5. Look, I can't understand half your question.

    The moon landing was real, and next time, at least give us the chance to decipher what your saying.

    EDIT: Oh, thanks eri now I can understand that last part. Yes, she is right, there was a camera on the side of the lunar module to record it.

    And if you still think the moon landing was fake, then take into account that the Apollo missions left reflectors on the moon that scientists use today. There is tons of more proof, but this is simple incontrovertible proof that we landed on the moon. We can get through the Van Allen radiation belts, the flag wasn't waving it was just crumpled and held up by a springy horizontal bar, and there are multiple shadows because of the highly reflective lunar surface, lunar module, and the astronauts space suites. Any other conspiracy theories? But if you do poste more conspiracy theories, could you write them in a fashion that people, other than you, can understand?

  6. OK I'll answer this in English with two points:

    Firstly all the people who claim it was a fake and a huge conspiracy are constantly trying to break through that perceived veil of secrecy to find out what really went on in the Apollo program in the sixties. They are outsiders. If it WAS faked then by now someone from the inside would have blown the whistle and written a book about how it was done and made millions.

    Secondly the USA was competing with the USSR to get the first man on the moon. The Soviets built huge rockets and other lunar hardware but lost the race. They had unmanned vehicles in the lunar vacinity at the time of the landings and deep space tracking capability. They would have known if the Americans hadn't gone and they would have taken great delight in exposing the deception and claiming space superiority. They didn't because they knew the USA had done what it claimed.

    For me these two arguments are pretty compelling but on top of the reflectors, the shadows (that DO work), the panoramas that cannot be a studio, rocks and so on I fail to see how people cannot believe that it was done.

    Mind you some people still believe in crystal balls, astrology, and other such nonsense so I shouldn't be surprised!

  7. Yes the first man on the moon was fake, it was a blown up dummy.

    Ye, da fur man on de mun wrs fayk, it wer a blon up dumy.

  8. The video was taken by a camera on an arm on the space ship.  There wasn't a person out there holding it, it was part of the ship.

  9. wow, i feel like i just stepped into the world of illiteracy.

    no, it was real. you're teacher was the liar and helped you pass spelling.

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