
Was the highlight of Hillary's speech last night the crack about her pants suits?

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I always considered Hillary to be a humorless Beech but I thought that line was fairly funny. What say you?




  1. I thought the whole speech was great, and that was a pretty good line.

    That and the Twin Cities jab, and the No way, no how no McCain line.

    Bill has a tough act to follow tonight.

  2. I was upset.  I didnt pick orange in the pantsuit pool

  3. The highlight of her speech is what was said between the lines, that she is indeed encouraging her supporters to vote McCain for this election, but not because, as most of us are aware, that McCain is better for this country than Obama is, but rather for the reason it will enable her to run again in '12. if Obama wins the election, her chances are out the window until 2016, and by then, so much liberal damage will be inflicted on this country that the voting swing will shift so violently to the right that she may never get a second chance. It's all about her, and the only ones not able to read between the lines, it seems, is the Obama drones

  4. She did an awesome job; perhaps one of her best speeches, ever!

    I found the remark about the RNC Convention being held in the Twin Cities was because McCain is no different than Bush to be particularly hilarious.

  5. it was funniest part, but not the highlight.

    Hillary looked good. that rest from the campaign trial worked wonders.

  6. Gitmo orange was the perfect colour for her.

  7. I think the highlight of her speech was when the camera would pan to Michelle Obama, she had a look on her face like when can we finally get rid of this woman.

  8. I think that particular color looked very good on her and I've always known her to be able to laugh at herself.  

    Furthermore, I think she made a subtle statement by *not* choosing to wear red, white, or blue.  

  9. I don't know what the comment was. If you can give a link or write it down then I might remember.

  10. Actually, I thought it was a funny comment...  "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant Suits"

    If you want to go one step further, here is an in depth look at the different pant suits Hillary Clinton has worn on the campaign trail.  I guess that ABC had nothing better to do.. HA!  

  11. After looking at her I was trying to figure out who had the bigger booty.  Hilary of Michell Obama.  Those babies could have their own zip codes.

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