
Was the inventor of the search engine that would become Google actually a woman?

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Inspired by this previous post;_ylt=Are6..McGk47_nIUIIemfOkhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080729013419AAz7YkE&show=7#profile-info-oDXdgPB9aa

This is not ment to be rude to anyone, just information




  1. I did not say she invented Google. I said she invented, or perhaps developed would have been a better word, the search engine that would become Google. She had no part in the formation of the Google company.

  2. Google was 'invented' by two guys, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, that's a matter of public record.

    I think the earlier poster may have been thinking of a woman called Anna patterson, who invented software architecture which allows Google's basic programming to deal with the growth of the internet.

    Links below.

    Cheers :-)

  3. Hahaha!  they've progressed from the days when they only knew how to search mens pockets...

  4. No thats not true. The creators of google created it in Stanford as students there. There was nobody else in their women. Just them. Its well publicized. A woman may have first created the original search engine....I have no idea...Google was created after many other search engines...but Google was the first one that used backlinks to rank websites. They already had google before they had money or funds backing them so I dont see how they could buy anything from anybody.


    When I say "original search engine" I mean...the very first search engine ever. When google came along, there was already tons of search engines on the internet (ask jeeves, lycos, dogpile, metacrawler, yahoo etc.). They were not the first to come out with a search engine...but their search engine worked better than others because of how it searched (looking for backlinks to identify the popularity of sites). If I have a website, and I want people to see my website in google before they see my competitors website....I need to create more backlinks...for example....I could create backlinks right here in yahooanswers. You just posted links in your question which link to wikipedia. You just helped wikipedia rank higher in google because you created backlinks to wikipedia. So if wikipedia has any competitors, which they do....everytime someone posts a link going back to wikipedia on a popular site such as yahoo or youtube....that helps wikipedia rank higher in google. This is called page rank. Page Rank 1 means you are the very first spot in google when someone searches for something related to your website or competitors. The reason why its called Page Rank is because its named after the inventor...LARRY PAGE. If this woman was responsible for google or how it works...then we would be calling it WOMAN RANK or whatever her name is. I just tested Cuil (if this woman has anything to do with anything) to see how it ranks websites and its definately not the same formula that google uses. I dont know what it uses but its not anywhere near as accurate as google. If Cuil is the competitor that this woman has created, they wont last long if they dont fix its algorithm. Im not going to say what the name of my site is because I dont want a backlink on here related to this subject, but lets just pretend my sites name is "". I searched for my site in Cuil by typing "Yahoo" without the ".com" and the first page of results is filled with more popular websites where backlinks exist which lead to my site ""....not one of those results is the actual website "". Therefore, Cuil is useless. Google obviously isn't.

    Edit: Ok I just read that this Anna Patterson (Cuil person) was a former google engineer (hired on to google years after google had become a household name). She designed something, which they arent at liberty to say, which Google bought in 2004 and used to UPGRADE their search engine with. But this is not the magic formula that made Google, Google and whatever the upgrade, it was not that significant because I never noticed a change and never heard anything about this. Google was already world wide known in the late 90s and the patent for "Page Rank" which is what makes Google tick, was filed in 2001.

  5. I don't know about the original Stanford team, but it is true that they purchased an enhancement from a woman programmer, and that enhancement was pretty important to Google.

    Now she is launching a competitor that is supposed to be way better.

  6. I don't think the "inventor" was a woman but the current technology that Google uses to search was designed by a woman.  Google purchased it from her and she worked for them for a little while.  Now she owns her own call Cuil.

  7. No, Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin

  8. No she did not INVENT google, but did sell them an enhancement some time ago. Now she is starting her own search engine called cull. (pronounced cool) Apparently it will be faster and better than google.

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