
Was the jewish religion THE first religion?

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what other religons exsisted in the same time of ancient isreal?




  1. We do know that there were religous beliefs before there was a written languge. We know this from drawings and things left at gravesites. So to be able to know which was first is kind of a waiste of time. Most religions will have traditions that they date as far back as the creation of the universe, and you can't get much older then that. But the first written references to religion would have to be babylonians, they are also thought to be the first official form of a language. There is evidence to support the first written language taking place in either ancient mesopotamia or egypt. These discoveries were in the late 1990's and the archaeologists didn't find anything from that time dating to a specific religion. which means nothing, there could have been religions dating back thousands of years before, just never written about. So we would have no idea what those religions are.

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