
Was the last couple of 24HR tv shows just a softener for barric obamma to get elected

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mmmmm geuss we can figure out why you lot down there voted god old george in the last couple of times




  1. i dont watch tv all day i go outside and ebjoy the sunshine and the wonderful day because tommorow is never promised. stop watching tv and do something productive and healthy.

    and its spelled Barack Obama O.o

  2. Where do you live that you have 24 hour tv shows? You need to go to bed. When you wake up, you will magically know how to spell 'Barack Obama' correctly.  

  3. Dunno. I don't watch 24 hr tv shows.

  4. Get a hobby!

    obama is gonna win anyways

  5. Please, before Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20, 2009 please please please learn how to spell his name.

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