
Was the leaking of Midnight Sun intentional?

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For those who don't know the first twelve chapters of Midnight Sun have been posted on the internet. Does anyone else think that the leaking of Midnight Sun was intended? I know a lot of people were unhappy with Breaking Dawn, me included, and maybe this is Stephenie Meyer's way of generating interest. I mean they even posted it on her site for easier access, supposedly so, "my readers don't have to feel they have to make a sacrifice to stay honest." What do you think?




  1. She just put a thing on he website saying someone else did it and it wasn't her and all of this other stuff. I read the first chapter of it. I don't know why she put it on there if she didn't want people to see it yet

  2. But didn't she say she wasn't going to publish it now that it's leaked? I don't think it was intentional, she's always been pretty private with her work.

  3. No, it wasn't. she said, " I can tell when each left my possession and to whom it was given". this was from her site.

    full story-


  4. I agree with you. I'm mad that it was leaked but here it is any way? Really? Not that I mind . . . continues to read.

  5. I think she's being real mean to her fans and disappointing them again. Yeah. It does seem that way. I think this is to make sure she gains some sympathy for Breaking Dawn. She can wait for fans to come around but what do you do while they are ranting and raving on forums where they are ALLOWED to? She can't ignore the reaction.

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