
Was the moon landing with Neil Armstrong actually real??

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I keep on hearing that it was fake, then later that it was real! Please help me!




  1. It's real. Conspiracy theorists are people without the intellect to investigate anything of interest.

  2. Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

    - hate the government

    - know less science than a Highschool student

    - want to make money with their books and videos

    - simply are trolling

    claim otherwise.

    NASA has i.e.

    - eyewitnesses

    - a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

    - thousands of pictures

    - hours of film

    - the laser reflectors

    - >300kg of moonrocks

    - a congratulation from the russians

    Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

    Just one example:

    Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

    Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

    You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

    Now certain answerers may claim otherwise but if you read their stuff, and all the answers in the questions there they participated you will notice that all their "evidence" has been debunked numerous times.

    Do they acknowledge it? Are they even try to explain why the explantions given are incorrect? No, they just repeat the same bunch of lies over and over again. That should give you an idea about their honesty...

  3. I'm sure it was real.  It would take just as much time and effort to fake it as it would to pull off the real thing.

  4. Absolutely

  5. It is real. We landed on the moon during the space race, and the soviet union created all of the rumors that it was faked (because they wanted to win of course), then the rumors leaked to idiots, thus creating a conspiracy theory.  

  6. Real. NASA have samples from the moon. And if someone tell me that the landing was fake, and if it WAS fake, i'd be so disappointed in humans. But I'm pretty sure it's not. That's just a conspiracy. Hey, you should search that Mythbusters edition [it's a show on TV] where they try to see if the moon landing was fake or not. Google it. I think it comes on tonight or something I can't remember.  

  7. Yes, it was real, as were the subsequent 5 manned moon landings.  The SIX manned moon landings weren't faked. 400,000 people were involved in making the Apollo 11 moon landing happen. The Apollo Moon landings were among the most completely documented and observed events in history. The conspiracy "theories" that claim otherwise are a bunch of nonsense without even a single compelling piece of evidence. Most of the questions raised are based on ignorance of basic physics and optics. Video special effects were in their infancy in the late 60's so that faking a landing on the Moon would probably have been more difficult than actually going there, and it seems highly unlikely that the hundreds or even thousands of people who would have had to be involved in such a conspiracy would have kept it a secret for so long. Ultimately you'll have to decide for yourself if the marginal evidence offered to show this was all a hoax is compelling enough to overturn the overwhelming evidence that it actually occurred, but make sure you check the facts carefully, you need to be a little skeptical of the skeptics, too. For more detailed debunking of this ill-conceived notion, see sources.  

  8. Yes.

  9. Why do you need help with the most covered news event in history?  .  You accept fantasy and facts equally without any discrimination.  You believe youtube is a worthwhile source of information.  It isn't.  In reality you are insulting the hundreds of thousands of people who built the American space program.  Its too bad that we are unable to give questions a thumbs down.

  10. the moon landing is more than liley real back then maybe not but we have most likley done it by now. I mean i am sure they didnt blow up 13 rockets for nothing and kill numerouse people.

  11. Yes of course it was real.  Go find something important to deal with.

  12. I'd like to believe it's real, but when I watched a show that illustrated this very debate the case for it being staged was a far better argument than the case for it being real.  

    A couple thoughts-

    If it was real, why is it that we have only been able to put someone in orbit ever since?  

    There is a belt of radiation that supposedly would have caused a lot of damage to both human, and equipment- especially the camera!

    The heat on the "sunny side" of the moon is much hotter than most cameras with film can tolerate.

    You don't have "back lighting" on the moon, and yet you can see the astronaut's face in the picture CLEARLY with the sunlight behind him.  (How??)

    How about the political pressure to get a man up there while racing with the Russian's for superiority in space?  (a good motive for staging it, I think).

    the list goes on.  So while I'd like to think, yes we DID go to the moon and walk around on it and do cool stuff- I think the argument is far from over.  Until NASA and others can come up with a better rebuttal to the "conspiracy" argument that it's "just bad science" then I remain a skeptic.

    I figured I'd get thumbed down on this one but I ask all those who say "Of course it was real" what evidence do you have? Have you examined the issue with as unbiased and skeptical eyes as you can and come out with a conclusion based on the evidence or are you just accepting it because you WANT to believe it? I WANT to believe it, I'm simply not convinced. I've looked at both sides of the argument- and the "conspiracy" side poses some great arguments. NASA really doesn't.  It's like those who want to believe it are clamoring for facts that can rebut the arguments that say it didn't happen.  So what is YOUR fact basis?  

    I simply suggest having a healthy amount of skepticism, not accepting things on blind fact for fear of being a "conspiracy theorist."

  13. Yes. The argumentation that it was faked is only based on ignorance - people who can't believe how such a thing is technologically possible.  

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