
Was the patterson bigfoot film really a hoax?

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There is a really silly claim that Bob Heronimous (sp) claimed he was the guy in the film. That has been discredited. Only ignorant scientists claim it is a hoax. I am convinced it is a real creature. If it were a man in a suit, it was beyond an incredibly good job.




  1. I don't believe in Bigfoot, because I think we would have found some form of evidence to prove its existence by now.

    With that being said, the Patterson film is by far the best hoax ever displayed to the public.  I still don't believe in Bigfoot, but that is a very well done film.

  2. It was a star wars shooting. What some yankers caught was a man in a costume wearing Chewbacca's costume. These star wars people in the movie sometimes fight in the woods when there not in space.

  3. Yes.

  4. I've read that a zipper is plainly visible up the bigfoot's back, but I've never been able to see it.  Actually, I'd like to believe that Bob Hieronymous was involved in such a hoax, since I remember him as a hippy driving a psychedelically paintyed Volkswagen around Baltimore in the sixties.

  5. Actually Roger Patterson claimed it was real up until the day he died so there was no deathbed confession of a hoax.  If it was a hoax we'll never know for sure and the only way to know that it's real if it is real, is when a Bigfoot is captured alive and looks just like whatever is in the film.  I think the only person who knows for sure if it's real has been dead for a long time.

  6. Anyone who disagrees with you is an ignorant scientist, eh?

  7. the guy who turned in the tape admitted on his deathbed it was a hoax

  8. IDK

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