
Was the rescue of the colombia hostages a well timed event 4 the republicans 2 look good b4 the pres election?

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Was the rescue of the colombia hostages a well timed event 4 the republicans 2 look good b4 the pres election?




  1. No it was the worse. the best time would have been immediately after being captured. You dont know what you are talking about.

  2. If it had happened in 2004 I would consider it suspect, but this rescue doesn't help the Republicans that much. Would the Liberals have prefered to have the hostages stay prisoners for their political benefit?

  3. No, because most people in the US won't care about that story.

    If they wanted to look good, they would have captured Osama and defeated Al Qaeda--they have done neither.

  4. If that was supposed to be an "October Surprise," they are a wee bit early. Nonetheless, it was a great kick in the crotch of the rebels, and indirectly, Chavez who is funding them. So yea for our side.

  5. Ironic McCain comes down there and they let the hostages go hmm very interesting.  Clearly the terrorist and dictators want the democrat to win

  6. no it was a clever counter-insurgent OP by the Colombian Spec Ops forces.

  7. I don't think so.   I don't give the republican's any credit for it.

  8. Nope. Complete coincidence that after they had been held for 3 years, 6 years, or however long it had been that on the very day McCain rolls into town the Colombian government finally takes action. Sort of like the Iranian hostages being freed 3 seconds after Reagan took office.

  9. Do they look good? I don't think so.

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