
Was the song Differant Trains commisioned? 10 points!?

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the song Differant TRains

by steve reich..

was it commishioned??




  1. I googled it, now I know a lot more than i did but I cant find if it was commissioned or not. This is from his website:

    "Mr. Reich's 1988 piece, Different Trains, marked a new compositional method, rooted in It's Gonna Rain and Come Out, in which speech recordings generate the musical material for musical instruments. The New York Times hailed Different Trains as "a work of such astonishing originality that breakthrough seems the only possible description....possesses an absolutely harrowing emotional impact." In 1990, Mr. Reich received a Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Composition for Different Trains as recorded by the Kronos Quartet on the Nonesuch label."

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