
Was the story faked?

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Samir Kuntar said (in this week, Manar TV) : " I'm innocent. I did not kill the Israeli girl and I'm not defending myself for fear of the enemy," adding that Israel invented the girl's murder. He had read "in the Zionist's report of 23 April 1979 in Maariv newspaper" that Haran's daughter was killed by Israeli army fire.

If your answer is "No" , then show me the first report.




  1. It doesn't matter, what matters is that he was 16 at the time, and he's already served more than 30 years in prison, can you tell me the names of the Israelis who had to serve time in prison and face trial for the Massacre(s) in Jenin- Lebanon...?

  2. There were several eyewitnesses to the  murders by Kuntar and co.  Among them  was the next door neighbor of the Haran family; he escaped death by hiding under a parked car and witnessed the slaughter. After the fact, of course, were the "chevra kadisha" witnesses (who prepared the dead bodies for burial in accordance with Jewish law) and had to deal with the condition of the child's dead body. No gunshot wounds.

    Let's not forget all those to whom Kuntar repeatedly BRAGGED over the years about his exploits while he was in prison. (Now he changed his mind?!  Whatever.)

    In Israel, it is difficult to successfully "fake" anything even for a brief time.  (The country is extremely small, Jewish social culture is highly democratic, and everyone is accessible to everyone else-- within about "3 degrees of separation".) When an event occurs, rumours started by someone in the know will be discussed in certain circles until the full truth becomes publicly known.

    Despite the attempt here to obfuscate the truth of Kuntar's guilt, many Lebanese bloggers seem to be clear on this question.

    How interesting that they are not fooled by the lies promulgated by the likes of Kuntar and his friends in this section.


    ADDENDUM: Oh, here's documentation   by an eyewitness senior medic who arrived in the midst of the terror attack.

    " . . . I witnessed first hand how Samir Kuntar viciously murdered Danny and then grabbed Einat by the arm and hair as he used the butt of his rifle to smash her little skull on the rocks.

    "Once he had surrendered, sniveling  . . . he was taken into custody along with his comrade . . . .  

    Standing near Kuntar, I saw how from abject fear of retribution he defecated on himself, whimpered, cried and begged. We could have shot him but the officers said, he surrendered, leave him alone. He was

    pitiful. Later, in order to hide his embarassment, he claimed that  . . .

    he could not have murdered Danny or Einat.  . . . .  

    In the routine pre-relief briefing while reviewing the cases of our

    prisoners who needed continual treatment, it was recorded in Kuntar's files that during the required pre-imprisonment psychological

    exam it was found that he had been a sexually abused and beaten child. He voluntarily admitted  . . . . how his own father had sodomized him and how as a new young recruit he had repeatedly been sodomized by his friends in the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) camp of Rashadiyah, Lebanon, near Tyre before the terrorist attack in 1979. Furthermore, we learned that as a young Lebanese Druse the Palestinians taunted him consistently as they questioned his loyalty to the cause...."

  3. Maybe,maybe not. There are many things in life we will never know the truth about,it is even worse if a government is involved. The links provided above do not show brain tissue. I won't make excuses for anyone that harms a child,but that link proved nothing. Anyone be they Israeli,jew,Muslim,Christian,Arab Lebanese,Palestinian,American or whatever that harms a child should be killed.

  4. yes and all people in american prisons  who say they are innocent are of course innocent

  5. Ever meet a convict that said yes I did it.

    I believe in life without parole, but that it makes more sense to spare the expense and execute child killers.

    This one should not have gotten away.

  6. try this -- it has pictures

  7. Yes I believe so.

    It would be easier for the guy to admit it and be considered a "hero" (not in my book though, OK?) by his fellow Arabs.

    So by refusing that, it means that this whole thing was a jew contraption and no one elses.

    take care

  8. Yes, the terrorists always tell the truth.
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