
Was there a chief mucker-upper of the Collins submarine computerization effort ?

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If there was, they would have been going like a bat out of h**l, covering up. What could have motivated them ? Was Collins project unique in the world, or are other projects "impeded" by mucker-uppers ?




  1. The Collins Project in this forum is the state of play at large in the universe. Let’s use Politics as an analytical example. America is a free nation but far from being perfectly managed. The power brokers are the Bank, Media and Politico’s.

    George Bush decided he was the remedy for all the nation’s ills and applied for the post of President. He was challenged by the then Vice President Gore who felt he had better qualifications for the post. Bush may have retorted his Papa had been there and one that and this was his inheritance for the taking.

    America may have smirked that Papa Bush Sr had offered nothing to change for the better the nations fortunes, why on earth should they vote Bush, but did so because the media displayed Gore in a bad light.

    A strong Leader in the Whitehouse denotes a weak Media that must follow the people’s choice. Therefore the media invariably to protect its own lead choose a weak and malleable person easy to control.

    Anyway Bush seriously mucked up Gore’s plane s to succeed Clinton. Now Obama is has mucked up Clintons chances of the Presidency and McCain seems to be perilously close to mucking up Obamas’ chances of obtaining his dream post as the Supreme Leader of the Super Power.

    The greater reality is that neither of the candidates past or present were able to curb the rabble in the form of controlling or asserting authority over the rapacious media, or gain any standing on the world stage afore the World Leaders.

    Wisdom, an absence of wisdom, sense and one with the courage of their convictions able to lead the media than pander or be at its mercy will be the true leader, all others are as so much transient dross.

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