
Was there a count on blacks murdered by other blacks while the NAACP came up with its ban the n word nonsense?

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Just wondering out loud if the NAACP has its priorities in the right place and if it's dealing in sound bites instead of substance.




  1. When has the NAACP ever not dealt in sound bytes?

  2. And Kanye west thought Bush didn't care about black people. lmao So called "black leaders" today don't do squat for blacks, MLK is rolling in his grave watching these imposters!

  3. I'm sure the ban applies to everybody.  Not even blacks can use the word.  That word will NEVER have anything but the most negative connotation to it.  If they want to make it a law, I don't think it's practical.  It also infringes upon free speech. Racism is a reality in America.  It may even be the most virulent form of hatred.  The NAACP will just have to deal with it.  Just to quote Boyz II Men from their song "Water Runs Dry": some people work things out and some just don't know how to change.

    The NAACP needs to concern themselves MORE with improving the educational opportunities, earning potential, living conditions, and image of black Americans.  The rest can be taken care of by law enforcement and the National Guards in case they're needed in the future to prevent rampant violence by whites on blacks.  Whites on blacks violence of the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era can happen again.  AMERICANS SHOULDN'T HAVE ANY ILLUSIONS ABOUT THAT.

  4. naacp needs to turn the sign around on the door and go out of busniness.  They are the most hatful group of people since Hitler and Stalin.

  5. come on sport, you're better than this :0(

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