
Was there a formal investigation of the fire aboard the uss foreststall carrier when it was on duty in vietnam

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The aircraft carrier was on duty in vietnam waters when a bomb or missile dropped from one of the aircraft,skidded across the deck an exploded. who's plane droped the bomb? was there a navy investigation?




  1. There was.  The Zuni missile was fired from an F-4 Phantom jet and crossed the flight deck and struck the A-4 next to McCain's.

  2. Yes there was, as far as can be determined static electrical charge ignited the propellant on a zuni rocket. I don't know the name of the pilot, but it wasn't John mcCain.

  3. Lee,

    As smsmith above stated there was an investigation.

    A 2.5" rocket dropped on the deck and static electricity ignited the motor. The rocket did not explode, but the motor's exhaust ignited a fire.

    Anytime an incident occurrs onboard a ship an investigation is conducted. One of the results of the investigation of the Forrestal Investigation was personnel manning water hoses washed foam suppressant away, thereby allowing the fire to get bigger. This resulted in better training of sailors in fire fighting. This has since saved lives.


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