
Was there a supposedly senior person attached to the Collins submarine project who used to walk around saying

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"I don't believe the system contains any safety-critical code".

<<What luck for rulers that men do not think.

Adolf Hitler

German n**i dictator, orator, & politician (1889 - 1945) >>




  1. Seniority expounding lack of faith in a safety critical code cannot be referred to as a senior. Seniority implied authority. Authoritative behavior requires responsibility for each component of any project. If there are flaws in any particle or component it falls to the senior or leader to rectify the same.

    Harsh critique simply indicates a lack of power or ability to execute the required changes. Uncle Adolf is correct in that malleable nature of the crowd derived from its need for strong ethical leadership. Although vulnerable in necessity the mob has a tendency to turn and mete to unscrupulous rogues the bacteria of its sowing and creation.

    Adolf and his followers learnt tragically and fatally the nature of the beast that is the people. Great men driven by a love and respect for mankind and ultimately respected and accorded in return, excepting Jesus.

    A nation’s glory is reflected by the most inordinate amongst the rank and file of its legion. Honour, morality and loving kindness amongst men is a countries true worth.

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