
Was there an Egyptian Pharaoh born October 11?

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If there was egyptian pharaoh born october 11 can u show me a link of where you found it




  1. not to sure,sorry

  2. legend has it that before the famous king tut there's

    king sphygmo ma nometer .

    he's born on oct 11, 1018BC. he's meek and ****** type of guy. he indulges in men and prefers to be sodomized by the the blacks that passes along the nile. he smokes papyrus poppies since opium wasn't invented back then. when he's drugged he rampages his flocks as well as his herd's men

  3. No.

    The month 'October' wasn't invented until the Julian Calendar. Early Roman Empire, around the reign of Julius Ceasar - 43 BC.

    October simply means 'Eighth' in Latin.

    The Egyptians used a totally different calendar, probably lunar, with different month names.

    By the time the Julian Calendar was invented, the line of Pharoahs was almost ended (it ended with Cleopatra).

    Not to mention all the s***w-ups keeping track of leap years and adjustments during the dark ages, until we finally settled on the Gregorian Calender we know today.

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