
Was there an eternity before me, and will there be one after me?

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Was there an eternity before me, and will there be one after me?




  1. Mr. Cat,

    There has been soo much before you ....and there will be so much after you ....... eternity just a fancy word ..for many many more ..and dont you think ...there has been and there would be ...???

  2. NO, nothing existed B 4 U were born & the World will end the moment U die !

  3. Depends on how you view the concept of "time."

  4. Eternity, like all mythical things, needs believers for it to be real. So, there was and there will be, unless you are the only one who believes in it.

  5. not for americans

  6. who are you ?


  8. As it says in the Bible, that we were only born in the shadow of our father's existence, and therefore cannot understand or see beyond the concept of time or something like that. There are 7 kingdoms, 5 have fallen , 1 is and 1 is yet to come, and God is even of the 8th.  If you study particle physics as I do, you'll know about some new discoveries coming out, like how bosons (which format space) arrange dependent upon neutrino flow opposition which comes from black holes, suns, massive bodies basically. We live in 3d, heaven is 4d where everything is translucent or transparent except for gold, but there are even more levels past heaven!!! The elements on the periodic table will conform to all 7 possible arrangements, though not fully active to all 'mach angles' of DeBroglie wave interaction, they still show how bosons will group at higher flow pressures of space/time (time is caused by neutrinos moving from black holes against bosons which are coming in to be broken) even without matter.  Time has always been, always will be. There was no 'big bag' since the cmbr was debunked as a fallacy, since the red shift of microwaves was found to be caused by supermassive dual funnel black holes slowing waves as galaxies grow.

  9. yes and yes

  10. I always asked this question to myself, so called intelligent people and some Gurus. But the answer was found by myself only - there is no answer to that question. That is the only thing that the creator of the world (God / Nature / superpower) has kept secret for human being. So there is only one thing we can instead of this answer - try not to think a lot about it. Be good - Do Good. Be Happy. And enjoy your stay on the earth. Because NO ONE knows whats beyond life & death. God Bless Us mankind. Regards. Ash


  12. its possible.

  13. You'll never know.

  14. how the h**l wud any1 know that for suree?? all yull get is wat other ppl think.. beleive in wat hyu wanna beleive and think for yurself

  15. You speak of time as a human thing.  To G-d, we are a blink.

  16. you're back!

  17. It would be quite egocentric to think otherwise.

  18. kinda weird question. its like saying is there infinity before me and is there infinite ahead of me. its a double statement. I believe you are in the midst of infinite that had no beginning or end. but just a perpetual now.  

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