
Was there any doubt Stoner would take the title?

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Wiggy I will be waiting for my beers to show up.




  1. I think Rossi definitely would have some closer with some better luck at Paddnigton Park, Germany and Motegi.

    Wish his Yamaha had little more power. At Catalunya, Ducati was getting the lead at straights while Rossi was getting through in corners.

    Hope the remaining three races make my answer come true.

    Well played Rossi. Well played Stoner.

  2. Hey 51,

    No doubt from fairly early in the season from me, he's so consistant and it would have taken a slide down the road from him to change the outcome (I don't think he's taken a tumble - during racing - all year, has he?)

    Well played Ducatti & Stoner

  3. Stoner and DUCATI surely deserve this title, if Rossi hadn't had problem yesterday they'd won in Australia, next gp.

    GRANDE DUCATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. no not really lets hope next season is closer and toseland does well

  5. Well, in the beginning I had some hope that Rossi will take the title. With every single race my hope was getting smaller and smaller and believe it or not even in the last race I was hoping for Stoner to fall and not seeing him till the end of the season! (I know it sounds horrible but I wanted Rossi to win so much....)

    For people who weren't dreamers (as me) it was pretty much.. obvious that Stoner is  taking the title. It was a bad season for Michelin and Honda's and Yamaha's fans.

    Vale's bike was showing problems too while Casey was flying to the finish line and was taking almost every single 1st place.... Yup... the guy is good. But I do think that if it wasn't for the Ducati team, Stoner would not win!

    So I guess the title is a pretty much deserved (for the team) and it will be fun watching next season because of Melandri riding the Ducati and Lorenzo riding the Yamaha!

  6. Your beers are in the post old friend. A fine selection of European beers !

    Casey was on fire this year.

    He rode the best and had a fantastic team around with great tyres.

    He does deserve the title. Yes.

    Was there any doubt, yes I think there was. When watching Rossi at Mugello, ( a track that favors the Duke) and Vale won, you had to think. Then when Assen came along. Nobody [ me included] thought that he could make up that lead. 28 at one point, but Rossi did. He then won the race by 3 seconds.

    The only downfall to this year was it did not go down to the wire like it did last year with Vale & Hayden.

    Said it before, say it again................. Roll on 2008 !

  7. I dont think anyone begrudges him the title.  well deserved. the same as nicky last year. you dont get to be world champion by luck alone. I dont mean Stoner was lucky or any other rider (except maybe Pasini) was unlucky. they have to have something a bit special just to be there. heres hoping for a great season next year.

  8. Not here mate....

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