
Was there any research done on Ouiga Boards?

by Guest66998  |  earlier

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If they work so much.... Why weren't they ever recorder and observed under laboratory conditions? got any good link of some recorded case?




  1. Plenty. Only they are toys and no one who is serious about the study of the paranormal would go near it.

  2. There have been a number of different experiments.  All of them have failed to provide *any* evidence of supernatural activity.  If any results at all were produced they pointed to the ideomotor effect.  Case closed and science moves on.

  3. I did some research on them.  I read the directions on the box, "how dumb".  In the trash it went.

  4. Here's a great link.It can tell you all you need to know.About Ouija and a lot more.

  5. In a way, yes. There have been some research on the ideomotor effect which is how the Ouija board planchette moves. There is nothing supernatural about it, however. Ouija boards "work" by the ideomotor effect, but of course there is no scientific evidence that spirits exist, let alone that they can be conjured up by a Ouija board.

  6. i have never seen anything on it but i do have 1 but to scared to try it. you never know what you will bring in with it

  7. basically because it in science something has to be measured.  And I don't think science is ready to buy into spirit men and women.

    On the contrary though there is an English TV show called Most Haunted they have done experiments with Ouija boards.  Even that I don't know if I can accept because conjuring spirits takes a lot of time.  Furthermore I don't believe such experiments would ever work in laboratory conditions.  Because the most active spirits never seem to exist in laboratories I just don't think it would work.

  8. For heavens sake dont touch this board or use it!  There are entities out there that are not always of the light.  There are realms out there that science CANT explain away.

  9. There's a generally quite informative article on the subject at Wikipedia:


    Your question ("If they work so much...") is of course a very good one.


  10. Ouija boards do not work in any way that they claim to work. One can not talk to the dead through them, and they are really controlled by people who delude themselves into believing that something else is controlling them.

    However, as a Christian, I know that attempting to talk to the dead is a sin, strickly forbidden by God. Demons know this too, which is why they pose as people who passed away, playing on the old wives tale that people can become earthbound and roam the earth as a ghost.

    Demons tune into sin and will attack when someone become far enough seperated from Gods protection to be vulnerable.

    Studies have been done, and Ouija boards came far from living up to their claims.

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