
Was there even a bit of truth in Palin's speech last night?

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  1. i saw mostly oxymorons being used to describe the oposition..

    things like being patriotic == patriot act (disbands the bill of rights) (one of the biggest oxymorons ever scammed on the us public)

    things like obama will raise taxes...  if you dont make 250k per year.. obama wont raise your taxes.. if you make over 250k a year dont worry.. the price of gas.. food and health care still wont bankrupt you.

    fact is bush lowered taxes on the rich.. and while doing this raised our debt to historic levels.. he's basically bankrupting america.. same way he bankrupted his oil company and the state of texas.

    but bush is not our fault.. (the voter) cus his dad/cia/new world order rigged the elections to get that drunk driving wartime deserter inside trader installed.

    republicans take their worst faults.. their most corrupt realitys.. and project them on the democrats.. they call dems spenders.. when bush and regan alone.. spent more than 3x all the other presidents combined.. while regan did end the cold war.. bush has nothing to show except a self manufactured war.. rigged elections and thru those apointments to the supreme court that never should have been made.. massive debt.. world hatred.. and the most unequal distribution of wealth since the great depression..

    they call obama dangerous.. wont protect us.. when mcain will expand nato to russias doorstep.. almost guarenteeing nuclear war over some country no where near america.. sorry.. but if the russians liberate ethnic russians that live on their borders.. i dont think MY country should go to nuclear war over it.. in fact i think we should stay out of the russians back yard.. cus we sure dont want them in ours.. mcain is NOT making the usa safer.. he's entwining us into dangerous insane  situations and tensions with countrys that could in fact destroy us.

    mcain wants to continue a war that was only about profit and power.. had nothing to do with terrorism.. until we invaded it .. even then no terrorists.. until we occupied it.. .. then the locals started getting insulted .. humiliated.. and pissed off.. so yes.. thanks to bush.. there's probably a few more million people that think americans are c**p and need to die. .. that's not safer.. thats insanity.. and how come we have not gone into the pacistan cave to root out osama? .. cus that was just misinformation and lies..

    fact is osama is most likely just a cia operative.. who did his job.. and has one of those secret medals in NSA or on the ciA wall somewhere.. for causing the new pearl harbor the neocons needed to suspend much of the constitution and engage in agressive war.

    republicans lie.. misinform.. false flag.. throw the reality of what they are.. onto the dems.. they attack the opposition for their own weaknesses.

    if a republican accuses a dem of something.. the reality of it is probably that it's the republicans mess and corruption not the dems..

    just lies and misinformation.

    truth in palins speech? mabye.. somewhere.. but mostly it was just republican disinformation spewed as fact.. when reality is much much different.

  2. To quote one Mr. Obi-wan Kenobi, truth is a matter of point-of-view.

    She did tell the truth, from a certain point of view; specifically the Republican point of view.

    The truth of her speech was based on the time periods she talked about, mischaracterizations of Obama, mischaracterizations of her own "good" points, etc.  But for the record, there was some truth from Independent and even Democrat point of view as well.

    It was a spin job, but one that did incorporate truth.  

  3. It was ALL TRUTH.

    I guess some democrats just can't face the truth.

  4. Oh your'e just jeolous that your man has lost the election now.  (lol)

  5. It was from her heart and it would be ridiculous to presume that it was fabricated out of lies.  

    You like your elected officials to be politicians.  I prefer a real person who is somewhat like myself.

    The difference is that "politicians" spend their days and nights wheeling, dealing, blackmailing, calling in favors and bargaining only to keep you believing that they are doing "something" and to get your vote for re-election.

    Palin, who is a very real person with the same problems as the rest of us, she isn't worried about re-election.  She knows what we want and what we need and she will fight to get it for us without having to bargain half of it away.  

    Politicians play the game.  For self-preservation, they have to!  Real, sincere, caring people have no need to play the game.  If they are not re-elected they have many other irons in the fire because they are both trusted and liked.

    Democrats eat up politicians.  Republican's spit them out.

  6. Yes all of it...

    you can take your one sided liberal propaganda damage control piece and wipe you rear end with it!

  7. No, only that her baby has Down's syndrome and her daughter is pregnant. She screwed up the economy of Wasilla and wanted to censor books in the Public Library  . but not a word about that.She also said that she's a pit bullwith lipstick. Perish the thought.

  8. So I guess it's only fair if Obama gets to bash the whole Republican party but not vice versa? Some **** talkers those Democrats are. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!

  9. Well, she'll kill anyone she doesn't like....just like a pitbull but she'll have lipstick.

    I don't know about any other moms of kids who plays sports but I don't want to be compared to a pitbull and I don't even wear lipstick.  

  10. Giuliani's speech had more truth than hers. And his speech made me wanna throw up.

  11. yep

    every single syllable of it

  12. well, i know even you admit that everything she said was the truth..... so i recomend lu learn from obama, throw your stalin and lenin picture under the bus, turn off your laptop and start getting a life

  13. Go to and you can see where Obama's speech was skewed as well.  Matter of fact - I can fact check the article you posted from yahoo and dispute those 'untruths'!  Bottom line - we need to do our own research on the issues to make our own decisions and remember that most of what you read on the internet is either not true or slanted towards the writer's opinion.  It's just politics.  Be a good thinker and get both sides of the story before pointing fingers!

  14. “I think both of them (McCain and Obama) are equally unable to cope with the threat represented by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Islamists. They really don’t have a clue about what this war is about. Mr. McCain is very confident, but he’s clueless. Mr. Obama is equally clueless. They continue to tell Americans these people are Islamo-fascists, and they hate us because of our freedoms and they hate us for our liberties.

    What they hate us for is the unusually virulent strain of obsessive compulsive disorder that’s present in the American governing class, and that’s called interventionism. That’s what the cause of this war is. And neither Mr. McCain, nor Mr. Obama, nor Mrs. Clinton, nor any of the rest of them who are in the campaign—except Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich perhaps—had that idea.” - Michael Scheur, former Head of the CIA's OSAMA BIN LADEN UNIT

    I'll take Michael Scheur's word over the GOP's.  He did, after all, deal directly with terrorism and foreign policy.

  15. I like to research speeches from the politicians in order to have an advantageous vote on merit. I was surprised by Palan, Giuliani and Mitt Romney. It was so obvious that voters would be able to Google their remarks and now that they continue to demonstrate being off the mark and out of touch.

    Why hasn't the Republican Party produce reasons for America to continue support in their direction; instead of Obama. Why doesn't McCain and now Palin talk about real issues for the average person and how they'll fix the problems created by Bush and Chenny?

  16. Tell us what she said that wasn't the truth and back it up with verifiable resources.

    Throughout this article they point to pretty thin stuff.  Compare that to Obama who has less experience, is two-faced, has a mentor who screams "G.D. America!!!" and has shady connections.

    The things they point out about Governor Palin - grasping at straws.

  17. Yes, there was a BIT, just a little bit.

    The true part started when she said, "Mr. Chairman, delegates, and fellow citizens: " but it only went up until she said, "Thank you all, and may God bless America."

  18. I thouight all of it was.

    You have to remember Obama, and Biden struck her first. She defended herself.

    The Media attacked her family, she defended herself.

    She is an expert of dealing with energy problems.

    THey will create jobs in the energy field.

  19. I'm sure there was, but as a Democrat, you might be a little biased, right? Politics is actually more interesting if you are a little bit objective.  

  20. First of all


    Anyone who believes a person who is running for any office not just the president or vice president


    Has a lot to learn of the life of an American politician and what they say and promise  is about trust worthy as uhh let me think now who can I compare it too


    A weather mans prediction of next weeks weather

  21. Plenty of truth mixed half truth and exaggeration. Just like any other political speech from Dems or Reps.

    It's all showmanship. Or should I say showwomanship.

  22. "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities."

  23. It's funny...I was actually seriously trying to think of something and I can't.  There really wasn't any truth...maybe some half-truths...but it looks like "straight talk express" has stalled.

    but the words of Stephen Colbert.."Facts have a well-known liberal bias."

  24. I think that she got the names of her kids right.

  25. To me she came across as nothing more than a shrill, obnoxious, blowhard that can read a speech where she was preaching to the choir. The worst part is that speech was not written by her.

  26. Only that the baby in the family  has Down Syndrome

  27. no. like i stated in my other answers, shes too rehearsed and to prepared. nothing she says comes from her heart. she doesn't seem to care, she and mccain will do and say whatever it takes to get into office, and i dont think thats right.

    ( ~ 8*

  28. Ed...all of it?  LMFAO you should be a d**n comedian!  Want to hear some truth?  Follow my link and hear republicans say "Palin isn't qualified" and "it's over" for McCain.

  29. Her 17-year old  unmarried  teenage daughter is 5 month pregnant for real, Which she didn't say a thing about, she have 5 kids.

    Can someone remind me of the republican beliefs>

  30. You not only would not know the truth if it bit you in the butt, you couldn't handle the truth.

    Now go stick you head back in the sand.

  31. Yes.

    There was in the entire speech.

    She was honest , bold and didn't mince words about anything or anyone.  

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