
Was there ever a doubt about the media hating Palin?

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  1. The media hates all conservatives. Especially real, home-grown American conservatives. I believe I fit that group, and we believe in traditional America and think we should preserve as much of our traditions as possible. Liberalism is a threat to that, liberals hate traditional America and want it to be more like Europe (don't ask me why). The media is by far more liberal so the hate comes through.

  2. What this proves is that the Republican pundits support such as Noonan and Murphy support Republican candidates despite their private beliefs.

  3. None.  She is a a true reformer and visionary. She's as real as they come and a threat to their Washington insider plans and agendas.

  4. I really haven't heard any of them putting her down. They paise her


  5. Never a doubt!  

  6. None whatsoever.  After all, in their twisted eyes anyone with an (R) behind their name must be evil.  The low level they stoop to when they personally attack her and her family displays their lack of ethics, morals and credibility.

  7. "Over half of U.S. voters (51%) think reporters are trying to hurt Sarah Palin with their news coverage, and 24% say those stories make them more likely to vote for Republican presidential candidate John McCain in November."

  8. It's been disgusting.  I know I deleted CNN from my channel guide.  Sick of them.  

  9. Never....they were prepared to hate her as she scares them.  She really nailed them to the wall.  I heard Matthews of MSNBC whining last night about how she could say they were biased and that he never saw any bias.  What a blathering idiot!!

    Count Acumen - that little diatribe was probably cut and pasted by you from some response to you, huh?  lol  Fox News invites comments from all sides of an issue.  If you have heard someone talk against Obama there, you would also have heard someone talk for Obama there.  If you want to just listen to praises for Obama, don't listen to Fox News will continue to disappoint you.

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