
Was there ever a dynasty in chinese history where people lived more than 200 years?

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I'm searching for evidence of ancient Chinese cultures living up to 200 years or longer. I need solid information. Strong references only please. I've heard this was true but I want more proof. I recall it being more than 200 years ago when people lived that long.




  1. No, Sparky, stop believing comic books. People have never lived that long.

  2. I'm not sure, but Joan Collins was on Dynasty and she is only 187.

  3. Oh yeah!  Adam (of adam and eve) lived for 930 years! His son Seth for 912 years, Seth's son Enosh for 905, Kenan for 910, Mahalalel for 895, Jared for 962, Enoch for 365, Methuselah for 969, Lamech for 777, and Noah was 500 when he became the father of Shem, Ham and Japeth.  (Genesis, chapter 5, verse 1-32)  At this point in time one of these people or one of their siblings who must have shared this amazing lonegevity of life must have reached China, as they were "going forth and multiplying" I hear.  Is the Bible a strong enough reference?  

    Actually, I don't believe the bible as factual... So maybe the people of China didn't live a quarter of the length of time that Adam and his immediate descendants managed?  So no their was no period like this in China, but it creates a great foundation for mythical stories of greatness doesn't it? Hmmm, just look at the story that I refferenced!

  4. People didn't live that long in China, the Ming Dynasty lasted over 200 years.

  5. I don't think any ancient Chinese ever lived upto 200 years.

  6. yes    dynasty   in   Chinese   history  where people  lived   more   than   200   years

    and   they   were   nearly   6.9   to  8.5

    even  my   grandfather's   was   lived 160   years   and  8.2   years

    the   ancient   people   were   incredible  and   unbelievable

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