
Was there ever a time in Egyptian history when...?

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...there was a gap in the history? Like nothing of history was written down?

...there was a war that was considered strange or didn't have much evidence at all, maybe making people wonder if it really happened or was just a myth?

...a myth/illustration surfaced with a war or strange creatures involved?

Thanks a ton for any help! If you're wondering why I'm asking these it's because I'm writing something and it's hard to look for answers on google and find what I'm looking for.




  1. @ chenga, no evidence that Egyptians build the pyramids? What the heck are you reading? Stop watching Stargate. There is a lot of evidence that the Egyptians themselves built the pyramids not foreign slaves or space aliens. They found the remains of work crews and their foremen near the Pyramids. They were not slaves, they were treated well because of their building skills and were medically taken care of. Archaeologists also found graffiti markings of the work crews and their foreman's names in some of the brickstones on the pyramids. They also did DNA of those ancient remains and found that they are the ancestors of most modern Egyptians.

  2. Yes, there is.

    Just yesterday, in fact.  

  3. Based on your questions, I am assuming that you want to know if there is any evidence that aliens built the pyramids or had some influence on Egyptian culture. The answer is no. Aliens did not build the pyramids, nor did they influence the Egyptians.

  4. There are engravings in a tomb in Abydos in Egypt that shows a helicopter, an airplane and a dinosaur.  You might start with that.

    To Dr. Stumph:  There is no evidence that the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid or the other two pyramids at Giza.  None what so ever.

    James:  In the Khufu pyramid there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Khufu had anything to do with it.  NOTHING, nada.  It was not a burial tomb since no evidence of a mummy, a body, nothing was ever found in the Kings burial chamber.  Please comment on that and don't be insulting.

    One very big gap occurred when the Hyksos invaded from the northeast and deposed the pharaoh for over 50 years.  This was around 1650 BC.  The Hyksos were driven out and the old pharaonic rule reinstated.

  5. Egyptian history has two gaps.  The first and second intermediate period.  The last king of the Old Kingdom period lived to very old and outlived all his heirs.  It led to the total breakdown of the country and there was no single ruler of the country but it had broken up into smaller states, each with it's own claim to the national thrown.  The period ended when commoners with military prowess became strong enough to unite the country and begin a new line of powerful rulers. Around 2055 BC the city of Thebes and it's forces under Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II finally defeated the Herakleopolitan rulers, reuniting the Two Lands and inaugurating a period of economic and cultural renaissance known as the Middle Kingdom.


    Ramses 2 rewrote history on a grand scale.  He fought the battle of Kadesh in Palestine and the result was a stand off at best, but he went back to Egypt and proclaimed a huge victory and made it look like he had defeated the enemy when he hadn't.

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