
Was there ever a time when your spouse brought out the worst in you?

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please explain. I feel like my boyfriend (I know he is not my spouse- but I did not want teen age types of answers!) brings out anger and jealousy and all awful things.




  1. I dated a man that brought out the worst in me very similar to what you are going through. He mad me angry, jealous and vindictive. I acted this way, because he would flirt with girls in front of me, avoid me for a month at a time, leave me hanging and tell me how he would enjoy watching me have s*x with another man.

    My advice to you. If your man is bringing out the worst in you, ask yourself why are you getting angry and jealous? What is he doing to make you feel that way. Then determine if what he does is worth staying in your relationship.

  2. Yes...  He was an alcholic for a long time... HE spent some time behind bars for it too... And you know who suffered from it?  Me, I hated every second of it...  Not because I could not deal with being apart but because he accused me of everything wrong and ran my phone bill up so high I had to block collect calls...  So in short when he got out aside from my nerves being completely shot, I was happy he was home finally...

    And then the anger set in, and I acted foolishly as I would have never done before...  I did what he did, I got drunk beyond drunk.....  And partied my bum off with the girls...  Gave keys to someone drunker than me and how I made it home I don't know...

    Now that was really opp of me but I payed dearly for it, I blew my garbage for about ten hours...  It was not a pretty site...  For once he had to clean up and take care of me..  And I vaugly remember stumbling up to him when I made it home and He yelled how worried he was...  But all in all he knew what I had dealt with for some time...  I hated that I acted out that way, but I think the repressed feelings just finally gave way...  

    EDIT~  Once an alcholic always but he has been sober for many years now... And I adore him... ♥

    As to your feelings, jealousy happens, but as you grow together you will gain trust in each other...  Try your hardest to put jealousy aside, it is a waste of energy...   Trust that he is with YOU and not someone else...  

    Be secure also with in yourself...

  3. I understand the anger and jealousy, because my husband brings it out more in me than anybody I ever dated. I think its because I care about him more than anybody so naturally the things that p**s me off are going to hit deeper than with somebody that I didn't care about that much. Also, I've had boyfriends that I honestly could have cared less if they cheated on me, because losing them wouldn't have upset me that much. But with my husband I actually care, so I get more jealous with him. On the flip side, he brings out the best in me too.  

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