
Was there ever an official country called "Palestine"?

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Was there ever an official country called "Palestine"?




  1. In the middle ages after the crusades exhausted out, the Levant was part of Ottoman (Turkish) empire. When that empire was dismantled northern part of the coast was given to the French and the southern as part of Jordan kingdom was rechristened as 'Transjordan' and given to Britain. These two mandated territories were to be given independence as part of the decolonisation under the auspices of UN.

    The idea of a country defined by lines drawn on a map was a recent European concept for which many nations can not be faulted. This concept got crystallised to define a 'nation' as  geographic entity and was fervent in the early part of 20th century. several nations missed the bus, like Palestine, Kurds and some African groups (falling short of being called nations).

    When the time was ripe for a Palestine nationhood within the (British) protected kingdom of Transjordan, distinct from the Jordanians, the then British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour gave the declaration that bears his name. As per this, a Jewish nation would be created (let's not get into those details) in the area of Palestine, in which the opinion (much less, the permission) of palestine people was not sought ostensibly because there is none representing nor was there a forum for Palestine people. As a country Palestine did not exist.

    The yardstick of a country with a line drawn on maps is not such a sacrosanct condition but is a recent phenomenon. Even now there is no one opinion as to what constitutes a 'nation' juxtaposed to a 'country'. many countries are multi-national (till the commercial definition confused the issue) or supra-national where all the constituent nationalities enjoy equal standing with no 'one nation' dominating the rest.

  2. No, they have never had their own country.  They had a chance a few years ago but rejected the deal and elected radicals to lead them so their future isn't too promising.  They don't have anyone to blame but themselves.

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