
Was there ever any definite conclusion to the John Palifox Key mystery?

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Did anyone ever find the supposed portal in Michigan? Was there ever a book called "Proofs of my Return"? Was the "I drove out of this world for 20 minutes" thread, one of the longest in internet history ever resolved? Was it genuine, a real estate promotion or a creative writing exercise? Does Joey exist?




  1. I remember reading about this a while ago.  Some hoax was invented by a couple of computer geeks.  The conspiracy nuts took off with it and here we are.

  2. asd

  3. check wikipedia and you will find a better answer.

  4. The John Palifox Key material continues to resurface every few years.  There is no definite conclusion to any of it.  But it seems to obsess quite a few people always.  There seems to be a small coterie of people who have had a portal experience.  Joey located portals all over the place....Michigan, Delaware..France..Algeria...etc.  Maybe the whole thing is real and maybe there are a race of "gnomes" and lizards living in a dimension alongside ours.  I don't think anyone will ever know.  All I know is that Proofs of My Return, JPK's book is creepy.  I have seen a copy which belongs to a friends.  It will keep you awake at night if you let it.  Spooky stuff.  No real answers but a lot of locations to explore if you have the time and money.

  5. Yes, there have been quite a few confirmed sightings of Joey Leguay, all of them in France or Delaware.  But for the present time Joey is not going public.  He has held his silence for several years now.  It is rumoured that he has become a part of an all-reaching worldwide society known as The Centre which absorbs those who have knowledge of the secondary portals and realms and makes sure they do not further disseminate any knowledge. Others have also come forth and confirmed the reality of the Secondary Alternate Realm over the centuries right up into our times now.  There is no magic or hocus pocus here.  Simply portals into another realm hidden around the planet, and like Joey one can walk through them with no ceremony whatsoever.  The 20 minutes thread of Apacheunger was valid, as were the many other accounts of voyages into a realm parallel to our own.  Locations of portal entrances have been details and explored by some quite credible persons.  In short, John Palifox Key, who wrote the first known account in 1961 has been repudiated and things are coming to light thanks to the internet that have been hidden for centuries.

    There was never any hoax.  Just a massive coverup that may have well begun long before the Middle Ages and extended into our own times as well.

    It is all very real.  But very guarded.

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