
Was there ever any evidence of nuclear program in iraq/iran?

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like didn't someone say they found uranium deposits being processed and signs of nuclear weapons building or something?

or no?

did bush really lie?




  1. first of all its IRAN second say that they have nuclear power that's not a bomb they have the right to have nuclear power. or say they have the BOMB so doesn't US Pakistan Canada Israel France ... have nuclear bomb what gonna happen if iran gets one? they will attack Israel?!!! are they that dumm?!!! by the way do sent Israel kill Palestinians for their land?!!!


  2. Yes.  But most countries have a nuclear program.  In 1981 the French were building a reactor in Iraq.  No indication of nuclear arms.  The Israelis bombed it before it became 'hot' in 1991.  That is why they found the yellow cake - uranium in Iraq.  It had been there a long, long time and was not enriched enough to even create a dirty bomb.

    Iran has been enriching uranium for some time.  None of it enriched enough to create a nuclear bomb.  They say they want nuclear electric power which makes better sense than burning oil.

    Pakistan has nuclear weapons and nobody's telling them to get rid of them!  Israel, too.

    It's funny we all know that Israel has nuclear weapons but they deny it.  If they can tell what's happening in Iraq and Iran why aren't they proving that Israel is a nuclear state too?

    Here's an interesting fact about Iran that Bush and his Administration fail to understand, "Iran has not invaded any country over the past two centuries."

    Gill, above, is wrong.  The chemical weapons found were from the 80s when with American aid in financing and advisers on the ground and supplying spy satellite to Iraq, Iraq invaded Iran.  At one point Iraq and friends used chemical weapons on 3,00 Iranian soldiers killing them all at once defending Iran on Iranian soil.  But they chemicals, its been 'suggested' either came from the US or the technology was from the US.  When these chemicals were found they were no longer useful as a weapon having deteriorated over time.  None was used upon any American soldier.

    The greatest chemical to affect American soldiers and Iraqis is that of depleted uranium dust as the result of depleted uranium weapons penetrating armour and throwing a slightly radioactive dust into the air.  When it is ingested this material collects in certain parts of the body causing cancers and other problems.

  3. The weapons were not put to use during The Gulf War in 1991 when American forces fought Saddam Hussein so it is clear they were gone before. Also no one is going to nuke the oil fields. Too valuable.

    American people likethe idea of scary weapons and second wars like The 1St Gulf War or at least obsess as much as other people over them.

  4. Yes, SOME stuff was found and USED on our troops mostly Biological and Chemical.

    ALSO MY BROTHER SPENDS AN AVG OF 1 MONTH A YEAR IN THE VA HOSPITAL GETTING HIS Blood and Internal organs fixed because the Marine Maintance Bat he was with told them not to worry about the alarms and NBC Tape changing colors it was NORMAL IN THE HIGH TEMPS!! JUST WEAR YOUR SUIT JUST IN CASE>

    One more thing he's a 100% disabled BUT LIKE YOU SAID THEY WHERE NOT THERE THE MEDIA SAID SO!!!!!

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