
Was there method in his madness...?

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Flanagan's Method

Bang! Slammed down a "B"

On the desk, in front of me

I was just thirteen

You! Flanagan roared

Is it ehh... stupid, you are?

Or just ehh... lazy?

Confident I said

I think it's a bit of both!

His look said it all

Blood pressure sky high

Quaquaversal in his ire

Leather in his hand

Whallop lashed his brand

Six of the best, on each hand

Get an "A" next time

Still, I stayed my tears

I never loved his Method

Yet I loved his Maths...





  1. A French professor at my university told me, "you will never be a poet," after I deliberately wrote a TD in rebellion against poetic assignments.  One of the few times in my life I stood up for my rights as a student.

  2. At the tender age of four

    (For running in the corridor)

    I got the tawse across my hand

    Painfilled surprise

    Is with me still

    Though I'm now sixty-four.

    (I never put a foot wrong after that, kept a very, very low profile.....but didn't learn to read until I moved up to the Junior School at eight)  edit - what the heck is 'quaquaversal'?

  3. Wow!!!!   This is really good!

    I would like to read more of your poems.  

    I think that you have found your Muse!

    Keep writing!!!

  4. School days, school days, taught to the tune of a hickory stick! -------------Good that you did not spite yourself and stuck

    with the math, Had a nun at piano lessons, that wacked your knuckles with a pointer. Little did Flanagan know he gave you food for a "Good" poem!

  5. When I was 23, I could make my superiors explode. Once, I made a physiologist have an episode by simply drawing a bird in the tree he asked me to do. This was an exam to see if I was sane enough to launch nuclear missiles. He said that I would be a career criminal, but that did not disqualify me from the program...go finger...

  6. The price paid to kiss the grail

    "B" no commoner I be...

    "A" mind like mine needs an "A"

    So...on this trail...

    I will ride... the rail!

    Nicely penned, especially last stanza.

  7. Very impressive!

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