
Was there no WMD in Irak during the period between 9/11 and the entry of the American army in Irak?

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It has been proven that Irak had WMD in the past because Saddam Hussein used chemicals weapons on thousands of his people (Kurdish). But after the American army entered into Irak, there was no such WMD.

During the first gulf war, many iraki fighter jets went into Iran to escape. Right before the entry of american army in Irak, Ariel Sharon said that nuclear WMD went into Syria. And last year, Israel destroyed a syrian nuclear plant and Israel said that the material came from North Korea and at some point, was about to say that it came also from Irak. But finally, it was decided not to speak of that information in the news.




  1. There is talk that the much of the WMD went to Syria.  The U.S. found about 500 shells in Iraq although the critics claim that those shells were too old to do much damage (although they probably could be refilled once he relaunched his WMD project).  You can hear the debates on youtube even ones where Al Gore and Clinton claim there were WMD in Iraq.

    Then there was the very secret extraction of 500 metric tons of "yellow cake" by the U.S. which was moved to Canada to be turned into nuclear rods.  Yellow cake is uranium and could be made into a dirty bomb, nuclear reactor rods or even into nuclear bombs.  It takes 10 tons to make a nuclear bomb.   In the terrorist world, yellow cake is gold (hence why it was so secret).  There were also plans stolen earlier detailing how Iraq was going to make nuclear bombs.  When the U.S. did go in, the critics were claiming  Saddam  wouldn't have nukes till 2010.

  2. *grin* tv is our god :) dont doubt the things said on tv :) lol

  3. Yeah I love this theory.

    The ramification is, that Bush's war had the effect of scattering all these supposed WMDs, no doubt over the whole length and breadth of the entire mideast, into the hands of god knows how many people, and god knows who.

    Wheras before, they'd been in the hands of a dictator who never dared use them against us, even when we bombed his entire country into rubble, invaded it twice, and ran his personal butt into a hole in the ground.

    What a bargain for a trillion dollars.  

    If there's any "apology" that could make Dubya Bush look even dumber than he does already, this has to be the one.

  4. You, like many, are confused in thinking that only Nuclear weapons are WMDs. WMDs can be Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or Convential.

    Convential weapons can be the traditional explosive, or flame weapons. Depending on the amount of material, and method used to employ these weapons, they can be WMDs. For instance, the 'Daisy Cutter'.

    And don't forget Willie Pete:

    WMDs were present and found in Iraq.

  5. No One proved that in the past, but lt us assume is has been proven; do you know that isreal had used tear gas that causes madness on Palestinians? America doesn't want the world to live in peace..Saddam is a tyrant, Bush is one & America supported Saddam during his War with Iran, Arming him with what they saied is WMD later. How many people did Sharon Kill in Shatila? U don't have the conscience to listen to him. The western world had bluntly turn against muslims........I will love my world to live in peace but Zionism, Judaism, Americanism, Osamanism & european hypocrysy cannot give one. If Sharon is a muslim he would have been taken to the gallows but their is deep injustice in the so named international deep that my heart keeps telling to listen to the hardliners on my side. My brothers are dying every day fo rhteir land....Give it back to the m and see if they can blow themselves up. I'm African Muslim & my heart bleeds 4 Palestine. Brother, help make pur world hate free. Only justice & being true considerate. May Allah bless U

  6. The US government knew full well that Iraq had chemical weapons-they did partly supply them after all. The missile delivery system and machine tools were manufactured and shipped by ATCC, a defence contractor in Maryland. The chemical compunds were developed and shipped by the British government bio weapons research facility at Porton Down in Wiltshire. This is all on record at the Library of Congress, just in case there are any doubters. Bear in mind also that Saddam was put into power by the USA, as he was viewed as a powerful anti communist influence in the region. Also, he was more than ready to fight Iran, and cheerfully used the same chemical weapons so thoughtfully sent by Britain and American against Iran during the Iran-Iraq War.

    France did the right thing by staying out of the whole laughable "war on terror", I just wish the British government hadn't blindly plunged in with the USA.  

  7. Its spelled Iraq and there is a major difference between biological and nuclear weapons mate. The only people who would have given Saddam a weapon would be the U.S themselves. They gave Iraq the chemical weapons in the Iraq-Iran war to fight the Iranians.

  8. They were moved to Syria.

  9. You misspelled Irak, uhh, I mean Iraq, d**n you, then you've got me misspelling to. And for that, I outta give you a good ole' fashioned STONE COLD STUNNER!

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