
Was there people kill on 9/11 on the ground or in other buildings?

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Was there people on the ground in around the world trade center that were killed from flying debris? Did people die in the buildings surrounding the trade center? I'm not talking about when the tower came down. When the planes hit.




  1. I'm not sure, I think everyone was running and out of the way for that too happen, if you've seen the tapes, not many people are standing by the towers

  2. Thousands of people were injured and killed when plane hit the World Trade Towers.

  3. Maybe. Considering the amount of debris and stuff that fell it is almost a garentee. People could have also run out of the way. I don't think the debris would have gone into another building. it is all physics.

  4. People were killed from debris and glass and of course, from all the people who jumped. Haunting images, one in particular of a man and woman holding hands and jumping together, heartbreaking. IN a documentary by two French filmmakers who were doing a documentary on firefighters, and they caught all of the 9/11 tragedy on film. When you watch it you can hear constant thudding sounds, the sounds of people hitting the pavement outside.

  5. And there were also over 200 have that have perished due to working or frequenting the Ground Zero area, and inhaling the toxic dust.

  6. Well, I read that a firefighter on the ground died when a jumper landed on him. I think his name was Daniel.

  7. You have to wonder if 9/11 was an inside job... Bush must've been rolling in his blankets seeing his oil stocks go up...

    woops I said to much top secret info...

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