
Was there possibly a roll reversal in mankind in prehistory?

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why do we honor the big cat to our likeness instead of monkeys. you'll never see a high school football team being named after a monkey species. why do lions behave so differently then us socially? could our females at one time have been the hunters, while males were just for dominance of territory? i'm sure everybody can think of different examples and ideas on this. I'm not even sure what the question is...but, let's hear what we all have to say this a science?




  1. hai..aitsu

  2. The history that we have of hunter-gatherers and the hunter gatherers extant totally refute your role reversal. There is absolutely no evidence for this phenomenon, except in the incoherent mind of Robert Graves.

    You possible will be able to fool some of these social scientists here, but you question took a shellacking in biology and for good reason. It is ill posed and has no empirical support.

  3. Males humans are nearly universally the hunters in the society for good reason. It is more efficient if females are pregnant with babies while males do the hunting.

  4. One can apply scientific principles to the Anthropology of your query.

    It is thought that primates resemble man so closely that the interpretation of our foibles can be seen. One does not want to be reminded of limitations.

    Male/Female "roles" are dependent upon the custom of the area and the history of the deity stories.

  5. There might be some tweaking to darwin's theory and i can accept any 'revisions' so im open on that.  

    I agree it seems mankind didnt want to be reminded of his limitations, and this seems to be just a collective point of view based on a biased observation of the species. (consequently, im sure monkeys wouldnt agree to have us as their evolutionary future! ha ha ha!)  On hunter gatherers? im more inclined to believe that women are more often better hunters than men even in pre-historic times. It might be that  the women where the ones who determined where to stay and calculated the feasibility of a geographical region's suitability for raising their young.  Men Hunters would have been gone for days but not because they had to hunt for miles away, they were simply following their target's tracks in a terrotorial boundary where the animal's habitat is.

    your entry, (...could it be that darwinism has it wrong in that a species improves unto itself in competition with others and that it might be more true that a species evolves to the benifit of the whole ecosystem) - WHere did this come from? this is the first time i ever heard of this its interesting if i may have the honor of getting an email from you expalining this sometime. pls do.


  7. Life is easier to live if one keeps it as simple as possible

    Living in the now a day at a time, Many Q will never be answered fully by anyone!

  8. no

  9. Yeah, I dunno what the Q is, but lions and tigers are kick @$$ creatures and monkeys throw poo...

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