
Was there proper choice of people, for the Collins submarine computerization effort ? Was safety-critical ?

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software corrupted ?

<<Q/Even if an algorithm to be incorporated in safety-critical software was doctored by rogue staff, why would that matter ? Wouldn't it be fixed during "software integration" ? Isn't that a way of testing that your system is maintainable - injecting faults and assuring yourself that the faults are fixed ?

A/ (by anonimou...) Somebody has to hold the keys to the vault.

If the trusted people act in a rogue manner then nothing is safe.

The choice of people for the critical position that controls what software is installed on critical computers, is the most important factor in ensuring safety-critical software is not corrupted.>>




  1. I&#039;m not sure this is approriate for the philosophy category, but I think when intelligence is involved in a government project no matter how classified, there is always the possibility and/or pursuit of espionage.

  2. You need to get help.  I&#039;m sorry, but if no one&#039;s said this to you by now, you need to hear it.

  3. The smooth running and automation of the project is reliant upon all key personnel synchronising agendas and targets. Any malformation of procedural concord disconcerts participants causing affray and energies redirected toward singular position entrenching than collective purpose toward objective.  

    This delicate balance of harmony is vital is progress is to be made. Otherwise one struggles continually to maintain systematic proficiency at the expense of growth and increase in productivity.

    A mass and thoughtless removal of good components has compromised integrity a tad, this wipeout was engineered by malcontents than a conscious decision to disconnect expedient and enforcing features. Irrational and regrettable.

  4. What a worrying theory, but yes I believe if its man made, we make mistakes so its entirely possible if not probable, machines aren&#039;t suppose to make mistakes but if they&#039;re programmed by us then yes it definately could be corrupted but unknown by us! Scary thought! :)

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