
Was there racism against asian peopole in n**i Germany ?

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Was there racism against asian peopole in n**i Germany ?




  1. No since Japan was Germanys ally !!

    Also this section is Travel Germany !! So you post in the wrong section !!

    And for such information you can use Google and Wikipedia.

  2. Rocky

    No offense but is this not really more a History question??

    You asking modern day people about something long ago, maybe you will get more responses or better ones in the History section/

    They were ALLIES with the Japanese so not ALL asians that is for sure. I think it depended on which Asian nation you came from. They even had no issues with Tibetans.

  3. yes there is but not to the extinct of great britan

  4. there aren't many n***s in Germany eaven more!!!! Only a few guys who have no brain!!!! I haven't any experience with them and I am German... So I don't know if there aren't any problems, but significant ones.

    (I hope my English isn't too bad!)

  5. This is a really stupid question. Jews, whose homeland was/is in the Middle East, which in turn is in Asia were the main target of "racism". So, my answer would be Yes.

  6. which asians were living in germany at the time?

  7. The meaning of the n**i germany is got to do with the ARYAN race by Hitler. So obviously people that do not look like Aryan(Somewhat white race- create by idiot hillter), the Jews, Asian , african, Arabs, will be kill. But based on the history, The jews were most of the victims of n**i germany in the world war 2

  8. My guess is that they were probably treated as harmless outsiders.

    I think that most countries tended to treat ethnic minorities with curious or cautious indifference until the minority group became large enough to be seen as a threat to the livelihood and traditional way of life of the majority ethnic group. This is still more or less true today in most countries.

    During WW2, I doubt that any Asian ethnic group was present in large enough numbers to be seen as a threat and targeted for racism.

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