
Was there was such a thing as drug taking amongst the Red Indians during 18 and 19th centuries - if so what?

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I want to know what they smoked, if anything, to induce states of being "high".




  1. ice

  2. Marijuana.

  3. they did but im not sure what bk den it wuld ave been made frm wat dey herbs nd stuff dat dey had ..but some of it culd b like nowa days like marjuonna or wateva way ya spell it nd other grown drugs but not advisible to go make ur own concoctions to get high lol :-)

  4. Sage?

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  5. i believe they made opium which the americans(white) or what ever they called them back then have taken over since.

    back then it was a drug you could kill with or use as part of the medicine

  6. some smoked pot from what i understand. some tribes ingested magic mushrooms, and south western tribes ingested peyote. That is North America. I know that in south America they used a hallucinogen distilled from a particular vine ( this was imbibed)+   opium is not a drug they cultivated ( that came from asia/asia minor)

  7. You mentioned smoking in particular and the thing smoke varied across the 2 continents. Most people think immediately of tobacco and this was certainly available in the early eastern and south-eastern US (known as Virginia). Tobacco was grown as a crop in this area and traded with tribes to the west.

    On the Plains only the Crows grew very small crops of tobacco, but not for smoking. It was venerated as a celestial plant (because of the star-shaped flowers) and featured in an annual ceremony.

    Throughout the west, kinnikinnik was smoked in pipes of various forms. This is made from red willow bark mixed with wild herbs and dried buffalo dung - no way would anyone get "high" from smoking this odd mixture, but it was relaxing and peace-inducing; smoking was equated with praying, contemplation and relaxing. Dried buffalo dung, by the way, was the standard tinder used in lighting fires for cooking, signalling and so on.

    Mention has already been made of peyote, an hallucinogenic drink of the south-west US and Mexico; such things were very common in central and south America but were not common in other parts of North America.

    The Mide cult among the Ojibwe and Cree of each side of the Canadian border used various sacred plants to induce shamanistic trances, but the ingredients were always kept very secret.

  8. Peyote was used during religious ceremonies and it would induce a high.

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