
Was this Too Rude?

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I went to the bank on my lunch hour to make a deposit into my checking account. I have recently moved out of state and was told that I did not have to advise the teller that the account was from another state. Well, about a minute into the deposit transaction she says to me "I really wish you would have told me that this was not an account in this state before i tried to process the transaction." She said this in a really nasty tone of voice. So I said back to her in a super sweet voice "Goshm I am so sorry! I did not realize that it was my job as a customer to show you how to do your job! Maybe I should go and tell your manager that you are having difficulties with simple tasks and are asking the customers for help." She made some smart comment back to me and I just laughed at her.

My question is: Was I being waay to rude or should she not have been so mean? Please keep in mind that I am on day 4 of quitting smoking so it was not a good day to cross me.




  1. You were not too rude.  OTOH, it may have been the 4th or 5th out of state transaction she had to deal with on that day and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time for her to get snippy.  

    Her knee jerk reaction was to your knee jerk reaction, so I would be willing to bet that on the next transaction, if you show her kindness, she will probably show it right back.  If not, it's time to get the manager involved.

  2. Well, i think she should've known that herself and it is not your responsibility at all that she hadn't knelt that before the transaction.

    If she did say it in a nasty voice then i applaud you for your comment. But we must remember that people make mistakes and she probably wa stressed out as well.

    You might've quit smoking and she might've been yelled at by her boss just a moment ago before she sat with you. Or maybe have received dreadfull news concerning her financial life, family or anything like that.

    Yes, we do appreciate that you are trying hard not to return to smoking but that doen't give you the right to use it in your advantage to give people such a hard time.

    Well, if i was in your positiong i would've wanted so badly to say that but i wouldn't have as i would've understood the situation she was going through and would've decided not to add to her misery.

    Well done for quitting smoking and  KEEP GOING!


    .... KEEP GOING!!!!

  3. Your response was perfect. Don't worry about it.

  4. Maybe a little rude, but the teller kinda got the ball rolling. If you really wanted to p**s her off, kill her with kindness - apologize profusely - start crying - fall on the floor,...

  5. Hey...four days-No cigarette. She's lucky you didn't jump over the counter after her LOL...

  6. Wow -- good one!  What you encountered with the teller at the bank is becoming a common attitude with just about anyone in the customer service industry .... and most of the time we just let it slide.  I don't think what you said was rude, but what she said was definitely rude.  

    Congratulations on your 4th day!

  7. I think you were being rude too. Best way to response was that you were told you would not have to mention you were from out of state.  It may be the same company but they don't always have everything set up the exact same way all the time. Which is an inconvenience for the customer.

    I think she was rude too. You both could have handled it differently.

    Best of luck on quitting smoking.

  8. Well, she was rude, and then you were rude also.  You should have just ignored her, instead you tried to out-do her, out-smart her.

  9. YOU'RE MY HERO!!  Why can't I think of stuff like that?   lol!

    Smoking or non, that was not "proper etiquette" of either one of you.  Beginning with her... She could have simply said something like "Ms. SoandSo just for future reference, when making a deposit let the clerk know this is an out of town account".  Then you would have said something like "oh I'm sorry, the last CSR I spoke to said that wasn't necessary, but I'll make sure to do so now.."  (using as little or as much sarcasm as you wish ;) he he)  But seriously, she threw a pebble that caused a ripple, which I'm sure the other clerks and people in line didn't really care for as they want to go on about their day and job just as well.

    Neither one of you was "right" in this situation, but still I'm on YOUR side!!  ;)

  10. You could have handled that better. Next time smile, finish whatever it is that you are doing, then ask for the manager-it is more effective. Putting someone in an argumentive mode only heightens the anger and doesn't really resolve the issue. My guess is she either is a crank or maybe she was having a bad day!

  11. I don't think you were rude at all. I would of done the same thing.

  12. I think she deserved your response if that's what she said to you.

  13. I think its good that you said that =D

    people should know what to do for their job, and the customers shouldnt have to tell them what to do...

  14. I dont think what you did was right, but she was out of line as well. she shouldnt be like that considering she's in customer services

  15. I would have the same way as you did. I don't think it was rude in the least. I find that many people in today's workforce are just straight up incompetent. If a customer service representative/teller feels the rigors of dealing with the public is too much for their fragile sensibilities, maybe they should get another job. I can't count the amount of time I have experienced situations similar to yours.

  16. I would have wanted to say the same thing, but wouldn't have the nerve. I give you props. I don't think it was rude at all. Like you said, you aren't there to do her job.

  17. Try to always remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would like done unto you.

    Just because she was rude, doesn't mean you should have been rude too.  It only makes you look stupid.  Next time, be the bigger person.

    Also, no one knows you are trying to quit smoking.  And even if they did, it's not their job to tiptoe around you.  Deal with your nicotine addiction without taking it out on others.
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