
Was this a baby snake?

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Northern California hilly dirt and trees area--I was outside and I noticed two holes had been dig in my backyard. I thought at first that they were godfers holes. I took the water hose and poured about three gallons of water into the hole before it became full. The second hole was about fifty feet away from the first hole. When I went to the second hole and begin to pour water into it, a six inch whitest blue snake jump out and run away before I could get a good look at it.

We have small lizards in this area, but this was the first time that I saw something like this. What type of snake was it, and are there more in the tunnel? I do not like snakes and this scared me.




  1. no snakes can't dig holes, it sounds like a crayfish burrow or a mole, if it ran it wasn't a snake, it was probably a Skink they almost look like snakes but they have tiny legs

    immature 5 lined skink has blue tail

  2. it depends how big the whole was if it was wide than thats probably was an adult snake

  3. most likely a nonpigmented legless lizard.

  4. these are all california snakes....

    for the person above me ...snakes do make holes

  5. probably just a garden snake they are common in hilly dirt.
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