
Was this a fair punishment?

by  |  earlier

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Now that my mom is off the computer..... I got upset with her and I swore a couple times (3) and hit her... I know it was wrong but I was upset. Than my mom grabbed me and gave me a spanking! I'm 16! Than she took away my cell phone, grounded me for a week and put a bar of soap in my mouth for 15 minutes per swear word (so around 45 minutes) and an extra 10 per time I took it out and I took it out 5 times which left me with a bar of soap in my mouth for 90 minutes!

I understand the soap and the cell phone, but aren't I kind of old for a bare bottom spanking???? And being grounded?




  1. ***** if you hit your mother, u deserved it. i'm sixteen. DO U REALIZE in 2 years, she can kick u out in the street?!

  2. you hit your own mother- so  you should be able to answer that one yourself

  3. Yea you deserved that Dont hit mom im 15. But when I swear my mom wears my BARE-bottom out with a paddle till its red.

  4. You're not too old for that kind of punishment. You're lucky she didn't call the police for hitting her. Take it as a lesson learned.

  5. Thats a very fair punishment..except I don't know about the soap thing!!  I would have done the same to my kids..did you say she smacked you bare bottom???  I think that is exceptable.

    Ps.  don't hit your mum again

  6. Good for your mom.  

  7. I don't blame her. First I think you crossed the line when you hit her. Your don't hit your mom; that crossed the line. Grounded probably like no going out and stuff.

  8. are you really expecting us to be on your side?

    even if you don't agree with your parent(s) you still need to show them respect.  So while the swearing was going over the line, the hitting was jumping off the cliff.  It doesn't matter that you were upset or in the heat of the moment or weren't thinking or didn't know what you were doing.  

    you are going to be an adult in two years or less so you are going to need to be able to control your emotions a little better.  

    when your mom put the soap in your mouth you should have just gone with the punishment, you are the one who made it longer and worse...if you would have just gone along with it you would have been done 50 min. early.  Even if you had a really good argument or something really good to say or you wanted to say I love could have saved all of that for later, or you could have written it down on a piece of paper and given it to your mom.

    i think you are the perfect age for being grounded...

    just remember next time respect and maybe you wont have such a big punishment.

  9. you deserve any punishment she gave you. NEVER hit your mother

  10. nah i'd say that was fail, if you hit her

    a tad hypocritical though

    i suppose if you act like a baby and have tantrums your gonna get treated like one  

  11. If you were my child I would have done the same thing. You should be ashamed of are not to old for anything as long as you still act like a 4 year old that doesn't know right from wrong.  

  12. yeah you had a bar of soap in your mouth for 90 minutes? suuuuuure I hope it had extra lye in it!

  13. Nope.

    You want to act like some spoiled rotten 5 year old, that's what they get. Feel lucky it wasn't worse.

    You're not the center of the universe. You don't get to do c**p like that when you're all grown up, you go to jail or get killed.

    Get off the computer. You've been a bad little girl and are grounded.

  14. let put it like this..... you got it easy........  you r to never raise your hand to ur mom!

  15. You hit your own mother and you're 16 and know better?? In my opinion, you're lucky you just got a spanking. I would NEVER hit my mother. Not when I was a teen and not now. Hopefully you'll learn some respect from this.  

  16. No, it was NOT a fair punishment. She should have beat your bare little f***y with a hairbrush until you couldnt sit for two days. That would have been a fair punishment,

    I hope you are on your moms account so she can read this and beat your butt good and proper.

  17. Since I don't know what made you hit/swear at her I can't say. Parents are NOT automatically deserving of respect considering there are so many crappy parents out there. I don't know your mom so I can't say if she's a bad mom, but I've met some mothers who deserve to get hit and cussed out.

  18. Well I def. don't think that you should be hitting your mother in the first place, but My mom and I use to have our fights, so I understand, but I would rather have been spanked then grounded anyday when I was sixteen lol.

  19. i dont think you should have hit her but, yah you is to old to get a spanking.

  20. I would have knocked your head off your shoulders. Consider yourself lucky

  21. Are you sure that is what happened? Sometimes things get in the way and we can't really tell the truth. Good luck.

  22. the soap thing is gross! but if you hit her why do you thing she shouldnt hit you back?

  23. You are not too old for a spanking.  Girls are often spanked to your age and beyond.

    Seems like an appropriate punishment to me.

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