
Was this a steal? i traded edwin encarnacion for stephen drew when keppinger went down?

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Was this a steal? i traded edwin encarnacion for stephen drew when keppinger went down?




  1. Having recently using Drew (as a FA, not a trade) to replace Keppinger, I can tell you that honestly, you made an error. By that, I'm not saying that Encarnacion is a second coming or anything, but Drew is extremely streaky and he's been cold now for quite a while. I have to point out that in my league Ks hurt you so he might not do as much damage as he would in your league's format as he does in mine but at any rate, Drew's a bust.

    To solve my dilemna, I dipped again into the FA pool and picked up Royals' SS Mike Aviles who has, for me, hit a cool .330. He's worth a look while he's still unknown to the league.

  2. great trade. Drew will be more valuable because he is on a better team. If he can get on base he has a lot of big bats behind him. Encarnacion bats after the power hitters from th Reds

  3. Encarnacion is good now, but Drew is a pretty streaky and cold hitter I'd say whoever got Encarnacion won.

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