
Was this all just a "con" story to make us feel sorry for muslims ?

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  1. No,

  2. this man is just a chancer

    he was promoted on the back of positive discrimination and no doubt many equally or even better qualified white police officers were passed over to promote him and yet he just wasn't up to the job

    he is so arrogant and probably thought he was untouchable as there is such a desperate desire for people not to be seen as racist

    he just wasn't good enough but he wouldn't admit that - much easier to try to tarnish the reputation of other officers in his desire to get his own way

    he should be made to pay back the cost of the money wasted putting forward such a dishonest claim

    i think he played the race card just one time too many

  3. Lets hope he has to pay for the tribunal costs! NOT US!

  4. He lied.

    & I never feel sorry for liars.

    He should put up & shut up now.

  5. No why should we give it a second thought

  6. No. You must be very paranoid to entertain this kind of suspicion.

  7. "con" is definitely the word.  Muslims will do anything or say and act any way to get what they want.  Power.  So be aware of it .  Islam is spreading over the world like an out- of- control virus.  Everywhere and fools fall for the antics and pity scenes to get what they want.  Don't buy into it.  

  8. I say well done Ian Blair, has this asian guy thought its because nobody likes him,nothing to do with colour or religion.

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